
Unit test scenario builder for JavaScript projects

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm version Stability

Unit test scenario builder for JavaScript projects

Write comprehensive unit test suites quickly and declaratively without any of the repetitive boilerplate.


npm install @timkendrick/scenario-builder --save-dev



const scenarioBuilder = require('@timkendrick/scenario-builder');

// Function to test
const sum = require('./sum');

describe('sum', () => {
  // Create a pre-bound test runner that calls the function with test input
  const runScenario = scenarioBuilder((input) => sum(...input));

  // Use the test runner to run test assertions
  runScenario('sum()', { input: [], expected: 0 });
  runScenario('sum(0)', { input: [0], expected: 0 });
  runScenario('sum(1)', { input: [1], expected: 1 });
  runScenario('sum(1, 2, 3)', { input: [1, 2, 3], expected: 6 });
  runScenario('sum(-1, -2, -3)', { input: [-1, -2, -3], expected: -6 });
  runScenario('sum(Infinity, 1)', { input: [Infinity, 1], expected: Infinity });
  runScenario('sum(NaN, 1)', { input: [NaN, 1], expected: NaN });

Console output:

$ jest sum.spec.js

 PASS  ./sum.spec.js
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (2ms)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)
    sum(1, 2, 3)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)
    sum(-1, -2, -3)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)
    sum(Infinity, 1)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)
    sum(NaN, 1)
      ✓ SHOULD return the correct results (1ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        0.115s, estimated 1s


This package is compatible with test runners that provide the describe(), it() and beforeEach() global helpers.



Creates a pre-bound test scenario generator function that, when called with specifics of a test scenario, can be used to assert the results of that scenario.


Name Type Required Default Description
fn (input) => any Yes N/A Function that returns a result for the specified input


(descriptions, options) => void A function that can be invoked with details of a test scenario (see below) to assert based on the results of that scenario

scenarioBuilder(fn)(description, options)

Given a pre-bound test scenario generator, create a new describe() test suite that runs an individual scenario to assert results for the specified input.


Name Type Required Default Description
description string Yes N/A Description for the scenario
options.input any Yes N/A Input value for the scenario
options.expected any No N/A Expected result value for the scenario
options.async boolean No false Whether to await the result of the scenario
options.before () => (void | Promise<void>) No N/A Actions to perform before the scenario is run
options.assert (result) => (void | Promise<void>) No N/A Assertions to perform after the scenario has run