
PHP library providing enumeration functionality similar to Java. It differs from existing libraries by offering one-shot enum constructors through static initialization, enum iteration, equality support and fine-grained value, ordinal and binary lookups.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

PHP Enums Library


This library provides enum functionality similar to the implementation found in Java. It differs from existing libraries by offering one-shot enum constructors through static initialization, enum iteration as well as equality support and value, ordinal and binary lookups.

Required PHP version: 5.3

Licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE for more information.


If you want to get started right away, zoom right to 'Getting Started'.

Enumerations can be used to define a fixed set of constants. As this Java-article points out, in most languages people will resort to using integer constants losing useful features in the process.

For example, in your web application you might be using a set of opcodes to communicate with upstream services:

define('OPCODE_VOID', 0);
define('OPCODE_LOGIN', 1);
define('OPCODE_QUERY', 2);
define('OPCODE_LOGOUT', 3);

We may call this an enumeration as it is a set of constants related to each other indicated by their prefix. Consider having a send() method which heavily relies on the defined opcodes. Its usage may look like this:

function send($opcode, $data=null) { }

One would pass in one of the defined constants - ranging from 0 to 3 - and some additional data, and the send() method will do its job:

send(OPCODE_LOGIN, array('name'=>'Pete'));

However, there are a set of disadvantages to this approach:

  • No Type-Safety - One could pass in '4' which is not a valid opcode
  • No Namespace - Collisions may occur when using global constants
  • Uninformative - Debugging $opcode will result in a 'useless' number
  • No Behaviour - No behaviour can be attached to the constant
  • No Data - No data can be attached to the constant

By using enumerations one can overcome all these disadvantages and in the process benefit from added functionality:

class Opcode extends Enum {

    const VOID = 0;
    const LOGIN = 1;
    const QUERY = 2;
    const LOGOUT = 3;


And its basic usage:

function send(Opcode $opcode, $data=null) { }

When '4' is passed in, PHP will throw a type-mismatch exception. The enumeration library magically creates Opcode instances for each specified constant. This will allow our send() method to function correctly:

send(Opcode::LOGIN(), array('name'=>'Harry'));

As for how this works and how to get the most out of the library start with the API example in /examples/api.php

Getting Started

The examples found in the library attempt to visualize real-world situations. Additionally, they are independent and can each be used as a starting point for your own project.

  • API: Introduction to the PHP Enums Library
  • Binary: Combining enums using masks & flags
  • Constructors: Enhancing enums by attaching data and behaviour
  • Iteration: Working with a list of defined enums
  • Sets: Creating and using unique collections of enums