
omniCLIP is a CLIP-Seq peak caller

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


omniCLIP is a Bayesian peak caller that can be applied to data from CLIP-Seq experiments to detect regulatory elements in RNAs.










omniCLIP can call peaks for CLIP-Seq data data while accounting for confounding factors such as the gene expression and it automatically learns relevant diagnostic events from the data. Furtermore, it can leverage replicate information and model technical and biological variance.

Dependencies and Requirements

omniCLIP requires Python (v.3.7) and the following python libraries:

  • biopython (> v.1.76)
  • cython (> v.0.29.15)
  • gffutils (> v.0.10.1)
  • h5py (> v.2.10.0)
  • intervaltree (> v.3.0.2)
  • matplotlib (> v.3.1.3)
  • numpy (> v.1.18.1)
  • pandas (> v.1.0.2)
  • pysam (> v.0.15.3)
  • scikit-learn (> v.0.22.1)
  • scipy (> v.1.4.1)
  • statsmodels (> v.0.11.0)

Currently, omniCLIP requires a standard workstation with 32 Gb of RAM.


Manual installation

The latest stable release in the master branch can be downloaded by executing:

$ git clone -b master https://github.com/philippdre/omniCLIP.git

After this the follwing comand has to be executed:

$ cd omniCLIP/stat
$ ./CompileCython.sh

This compiles the cyton code for the viterbi algorithm. Note that if your python libraries is not in the directory "/usr/include/python2.7", then you need to change in CompileCython.sh in the line

gcc -shared -pthread -fPIC -fwrapv -O2 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -I/usr/include/python2.7 -o viterbi.so viterbi.c

-I/usr/include/python2.7" to the path to your python installation.


in progress...


in progress...


omniCLIP requires the gene annotation to be in an SQL database. This database can be generated from a gff3 file by typing:

$ python data_parsing/CreateGeneAnnotDB.py INPUT.gff OUTPUT.gff.db

omniCLIP can be run as follows:

$ python omniCLIP.py [Commands]

omniCLIP has the following required commandline arguments

Argument Description
--annot File where gene annotation is stored
--genome-dir Directory where fasta files are stored
--clip-files Bam-file for CLIP-library. The alignments need to have the MD and NM tags.
--bg-files Bam-file for bg-library. The alignments need to have the MD and NM tags.
--out-dir Output directory for results

and the following optional arguments

Argument Description
--restart-from-iter restart from existing run
--use-precomp-CLIP-data Use existing fg_reads.dat file. This skips parsing the CLIP reads.
--collapsed-CLIP CLIP-reads are collapsed
--use-precomp-bg-data Use existing bg_reads.dat data. This skips parsing the CLIP reads.
--collapsed-bg bg-reads are collapsed
--bck-var Parse variants for background reads
--verbosity Verbosity
--max-it Maximal number of iterations
--max-it-glm Maximal number of iterations in GLM
--tmp-dir Output directory for temporary results
--gene-sample Nr of genes to sample
--no-subsample Disable subsampling for parameter estimations (Warning: Leads to slow estimation)
--filter-snps Do not fit diagnostic events at SNP-positions
--snp-ratio Ratio of reads showing the SNP
--snp-abs-cov Absolute number of reads covering the SNP position (default = 10)
--nr_mix_comp Number of diagnostic events mixture components (default = 1)
--nb-cores Number of cores to use
--mask-miRNA Mask miRNA positions
--mask-ovrlp Ignore overlping gene regions for diagnostic event model fitting
--norm_class Normalize class weights during glm fit
--max-mismatch Maximal number of mismatches that is allowed per read (default: 2)
--mask_flank_mm Do not consider mismatches in the N bp at the ends of reads for diagnostic event modelling
--rev_strand Only consider reads on the forward (0) or reverse strand (1) relative to the gene orientation
--use_precomp_diagmod Use a precomputed diagnostic event model (Path to IterSaveFile.dat)
--seed Set a seed for the random number generators
--pv Bonferroni corrected p-value cutoffs for peaks in bed-file


An example dataset can be downloaded here. Extract it into the omniCLIP folder for the example below.

Then you can run omniCLIP on the example data by:

$ python omniCLIP.py --annot example_data/gencode.v19.annotation.chr1.gtf.db --genome-dir example_data/hg37/ --clip-files example_data/PUM2_rep1_chr1.bam --clip-files example_data/PUM2_rep2_chr1.bam --bg-files example_data/RZ_rep1_chr1.bam --bg-files example_data/RZ_rep2_chr1.bam --out-dir example_data --collapsed-CLIP --bck-var

which creates the files below:

File Name Description
pred.bed This file contains the peaks that are significant after Bonferroni correction
pred.txt This file contains all peaks
fg_reads.dat This file contains the parsed reads from the CLIP libraries
bg_reads.dat This file contains the parsed reads from the background libraries
IterSaveFile.dat This file contains the learnt parameters of the model
IterSaveFileHist.dat This file contains the learnt parameters of the model in each iteration



GNU GPL license (v3)