
A toy ORM, part of https://github.com/timlathy/itmo-first-year

Primary LanguageKotlin


Build Status codecov

A toy data mapper I've build as an assignment for Java programming course.

It is heavily inspired by Ecto, and I purposefully attempted to steer away from the ActiveRecord/Hibernate way of managing persistence, because I've been burned by it in the past.

Interactions with the database are explicit and performed strictly through the repository (Repo). The records are represented by immutable data classes, creation and updates are handled through changesets.

Example usage

As mentioned above, this is not really intended to be used anywhere, but I've still compiled basic usage instructions to give a more concrete overview of how the library functions.

The dependency is com.github.thymelous:pearl:master-SNAPSHOT.

Connecting to a database (PostgreSQL 9.6+) is as simple as

import org.pearl.repo.Repo

Repo.connect("localhost", 5432, dbname = "...", username = "...", password = "...")

This needs to be done once, at application startup.


A model is just a data class with constant (val) properties inherited from org.pearl.Model. It must have a primary key property (either Int or Long, annotated with Id) and have a default constructor without parameters.

Currently supported datatypes are Int, Long, Double, String, LocalDateTime, and ZonedDateTime. Enums are also supported out-of-the-box: you don't need to specify anything, they are automatically converted to and from their String representations.

Data manipulation

Records are created through changesets:

val changeset = Changeset.newRecord(Image(url = "img_url", size = Enum.SMALL))
// Alternatively, from a map of param name (String) to value (String):
val paramChangeset = Changeset.newRecord<Image>(
  params = mapOf("url" to "img_url", "size" to "SMALL", "secret" to "forbidden"),
  allowedParms = listOf("name", "size"))
// Note that since "secret" is not an allowed param, its value will be defaulted

val inserted = Repo.insert(changeset)
// => 1

Individual updates are handled similarly:

val paramChangest = Changeset.update(record, mapOf("size" to "LARGE"), listOf("size"))
// Return the updated record, including changes that were made by e.g. a database trigger
val updated = Repo.one(updateRecord(paramChangest))
// Just perform the update, don't return anything

Deletions are performed using the primary key only:

val toBeDeleted = Image(...)
// Assuming toBeDeleted's id = 4, the following two commands are equivalent:
Repo.execute(deleteRecord(Image(id = 4)))


When it comes to querying data, Pearl has a (somewhat limited) DSL that supports both record instantiation and projection (selecting a subset of columns).

val record = Repo.one(from<Image>().where { it["id"] eq 1 })
val records = Repo.many(from<Image>().where { it["size"] eq Enum.LARGE })
val projected = Repo.rows(from<Image>().where { (it["width"] lt 200) and (it["height"] gt 100) }.select("id", "size"))

A nifty feature you can use is conditional data manipulation:

// Insert an image if there are none in the database
var record = Repo.one(insert(Changeset.newRecord(Image())).where { not(exists(from<Image>())) })
record == null
// => false
record = Repo.one(insert(Changeset.newRecord(Image())).where { not(exists(from<Image>())) })
record == null
// => true

// Set "hasPreview" to true for all records with "size" = LARGE or "width" more than 800
Repo.execute(updateAll(Changeset.update(Image(), Image(hasPreview = true))).where { (it["size"] eq Enum.LARGE) or (it["width"] gt 800) })

// Delete all images disliked by at least one administrator and return them
val removedRecords = Repo.many(delete<Image>().where { it["dislikedByUser"] `in` from<User>().select("name").where { it["role"] eq "admin" })

// Only delete the record if its "size" is null or "deletedOn' is not null
Repo.execute(deleteRecord(record).where { it["size"].isNull() or it["deletedOn"].isNotNull() })

// Delete two largest by width images
Repo.execute(delete<Image>().where { it["id"] `in` from<Image>().select("id").orderBy("width", DESC).limit(2) })