
Code generator for Python unit test stubs that parses your existing code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


unitteststub reads your Python code to generate unit test stubs. Given a module name, it walks each file in the module. If it encounters a file without a corresponding test file, it generates one with test stubs for each function and class method in the file.

Besides reducing time spent on boilerplate, this approach ensures complete coverage when creating new tests, so developers can focus on the actual tests. After generation, rework is limited to removing unneeded stubs and duplicating those which require multiple tests (copy+paste). The resulting skeleton is sufficiently complete to delegate the test implementation to another developer.


Currently, you need to git clone https://github.com/timlod/unitteststub.git and pip install . the repository.



Generates the unit tests, with options like a header file to prepend as a license:

    > unitteststub -h
    usage: unitteststub [-h] [-F FOOTER] [-H HEADER] [-X EXCLUDE] [-f] [-i] [-m TEST_MODULE] [-p TEST_PREFIX] [-t TAB_WIDTH] [-cf CLASS_FMT]
                [-ff FUNCTION_FMT] [-cm]

    Python unittest stub generator

    positional arguments:
      module                The path of the module to test.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -F FOOTER, --footer FOOTER
                            File to use as a footer.
      -H HEADER, --header HEADER
                            File to use as a header.
      -X EXCLUDE, --exclude EXCLUDE
                            Add a child directory name to exclude.
      -f, --force           Force files to be generated, even if they already exist.
      -i, --internal        Include internal classes and methods starting with a _.
      -m TEST_MODULE, --test-module TEST_MODULE
                            The path of the test module to generate. (default ./test)
      -p TEST_PREFIX, --test-prefix TEST_PREFIX
                            The prefix for test files.
      -t TAB_WIDTH, --tab-width TAB_WIDTH
                            The width of a tab in spaces (default 4).
      -cf CLASS_FMT, --class-fmt CLASS_FMT
                            Format/template of test classes (default %sTest)
      -ff FUNCTION_FMT, --function-fmt FUNCTION_FMT
                            Format/template of test function names (default test_%s)
      -cm, --classmethods   Whether to write setUpClass and tearDownClass classmethods.
            usage: GenerateUnitTests.py [-h] [-F FOOTER] [-H HEADER] [-X EXCLUDE] [-f]
                                        [-i] [-m TEST_MODULE] [-p TEST_PREFIX]
                                        [-t TAB_WIDTH]

Output is simple and human readable:

    > unitteststub unitteststub
    No classes or functions in unitteststub/__init__.py
    No classes or functions in unitteststub/templates.py
    [test/test_run.py] Writing...
    [test/test_generator.py] Writing...

Output files have stubs for everything (classmethods can be toggled with -cm) but are easily pruned if e.g. setup methods are not needed:

    import unittest
    from unitteststub import generator

    class generatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
        Tests for functions in the generator module.

        def setUp(self):

        def tearDown(self):

        def test_gen_test(self):
            raise NotImplementedError() # TODO: gen_test

    if __name__ == "__main__":


Note that package imports are only defined correctly if unitteststub is called on the top-level directory of the package (for this package it would be the unittest directory containing the sources). If creating stubs only submodules of a package, you should define the output folder with -m path/to/tests/submodule and be aware that imports will be defined as from submodule import file instead of from package.submodule import file.