
small and unobtrusive checklist tool

Primary LanguagePython


Believe in power of checklists!

This is a small tool to manipulate checklists from command line.

Dependencies: python3

File format

checklist stores checklist in plaintext file with in simple format:

- [x] this item is complete
- [ ] this item is not complete

That's it. Make sure that x is lowercase ascii x (just hit x, not х, the cyrillic letter), and that space is just space. Items are one-line only: if you need more than one line for an item, then you probably should rewrite it or move some context out of the checklist.


  1. Grab checklist from the repo and download it to ~/bin/.
  2. chmod +x ~/bin/checklist
  3. Make sure that ~/bin is in your path (e.g., run echo $PATH)

To update, just drop a new file over the old and repeat the procedure.


See checklist -h for list of options. Two main usage patterns:

$ checklist # see remaining items
$ checklist check 5 # check item on line 5 as done (undo, if item was already done)

I write checklists by hand in text editor, but there is also a command to add an item:

$ checklist add Enter text of the item

There is also --all, that forces checklist to display all items, including items that are already done. This is useful for reviewing the process.

And you can also specify checklist file:

$ checklist -f ./deploy_checklist.txt check 2

Combining with other tools

How many items do I still have to do?

$ checklist | wc -l

Is there anything still left to do about alpaca server?

$ checklist -f servers.txt | grep alpaca

How can I use it from vim?


How can I copy the remaining items to clipboard (I'm on macOS)?

$ checklist | pbcopy

How can I configure another checklist file to avoid writing -f all the time?

$ alias predeploy="checklist -f ~/predeploy.txt"
$ predeploy

How can I use templates for my checklists?

$ cp ~/checklist_template.txt ~/checklist.txt


checklist is MIT licensed.