- 0
Correct code best practices.
#163 opened by timmcmic - 7
Error initializing default drive: when running Start-MultipleDistributionListMigration
#164 opened by YANSA23 - 2
DL Migration fails because of duplicate recipients
#170 opened by daimhin - 3
Graph Permissions
#175 opened by rich872 - 8
Unable to remove temporary SMTP address of group (original address not added)
#176 opened by Arne-RFA - 8
Group migration stuck in a loop
#184 opened by mudsnowh2o - 1
- 1
Could not load file or assembly Azure.Core
#181 opened by SiL3nTOne - 4
Job will not complete
#180 opened by rich872 - 4
ERROR: One permissions method to connect to Exchange Online must be specified.
#179 opened by gkantarovich-verint - 2
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Runtime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'
#178 opened by gkantarovich-verint - 4
error with "start-collectOnPremSendAs"
#174 opened by Arne-RFA - 5
#173 opened by rich872 - 1
Create restore function
#166 opened by timmcmic - 1
Typos in logging
#161 opened by YANSA23 - 4
Multiple DL Migration Errors
#158 opened by sdinney - 21
Unable to migrate Multiple DL
#155 opened by lsborroto - 1
Failed to create new routing contact
#154 opened by shanegrogan - 1
- 7
Start-MultipleDistributionListMigration is failing
#152 opened by lsborroto - 3
Add interactive login to Exchange Online connection
#151 opened by mardahl - 5
Not an issue, but a request
#149 opened by jakke91 - 0
Add retry logic for move to non-sync OU
#137 opened by timmcmic - 1
- 9
- 6
- 1
- 0
Error in test-CloudDLPresent
#130 opened by githubths - 1
Error in Test-OutboundConnector
#131 opened by githubths - 5
unable to complete the migration of two DLs (tests)
#136 opened by lsborroto - 2
Error with Start-MultipleMachineDistributionListMigration command - Credential is not a valid PSCredential
#140 opened by write2tsm - 7
Error When Running Start-MultipleMachineDistributionListMigration Command - Unable to set the ACL on the folder for the active directory credential.
#142 opened by write2tsm - 1
Unable to run the Start-CollectSendAsOffice365 Command from the Migration System
#143 opened by write2tsm - 8
- 2
Problem with the enableHybridMailFlow switch
#146 opened by jakke91 - 6
Get-NormalizedDN : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'DN' because it is an empty string.
#147 opened by TSideScripting - 3
Issue with multi-distribution list migration
#148 opened by jakke91 - 4
More granular permission requirements
#145 opened by essentialexch - 5
Import-Module: The specified module 'c:\repository\dlconversionv2\dlconversionv2.psd1' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.
#138 opened by TSideScripting - 4
- 2
import-module DLConversionV2 failed to loaded when start-MultipleDistributionListMigration.ps1
#134 opened by ixUpRiSinGxi - 1
Error new-adobject : A value for the attribute was not in the acceptable range of values
#132 opened by githubths - 3
Bug in Get-ActiveDirectoryDomainName
#133 opened by githubths - 1
- 1
Accept and reject messages on premises is not retained correctly post migration.
#118 opened by timmcmic - 0
dnNoSyncOU is not mandatory resulting in failure to move to OU if not specified.
#117 opened by timmcmic - 0
- 4
- 4
Error: Address somename@ could not be added to new cloud distribution group. Manual addition required.
#125 opened by TPok1707 - 5
The term 'get-o365Recipient' is not recognized
#120 opened by jspern