
Update your GitHub Actions with Dependabot while using secure SHA Commit pinning while maintaining human readable versioning comments.pinned to a SHA

MIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ Implemented by GitHub
This Action is no longer needed, as GitHub Dependabot added SHA Comment Version Updating to its managed service.

Dependabot SHA Comment Action

Used with Dependabot and GitHub Actions pinned via SHA. It adds and maintains a version comment next to the SHA hash on every Dependabot update.

This makes the actions much more readable than having a plain SHA.

Resulting versioning style:

- uses: actions/checkout@5a4ac9002d0be2fb38bd78e4b4dbde5606d7042f # v2.3.4


  • Comments are only added on new Dependabot PRs.
  • This action won't change normal tags e.g. v1 to SHAs. It will only act if an action is already pinned to a SHA.
  • Existing SHAs won't automatically get this comment, only when they are updated via Dependabot.

To get frequent Dependabot updates add an .github/dependabot.yml to your repository.

Example usage

You need to add GH_TOKEN to the Dependabot Secrets of your repositories.

on: [pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: timmeinerzhagen/dependabot-sha-comment-action@main # insert current version
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}


GH_TOKEN required

A GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) is required. You need to add this token to the Dependabot Secrets of your repository, so that workflows triggered by Dependabot Pull Requests can receive it.

This PAT needs the access scopes repo and workflows to push changes to GitHub Actions workflows. The workflow permission can't be given to the default repository token, which is why this token needs to be provided in addition.




MIT - feel free to reuse!