On this page we provide all materials for the Introductory R Course. The course starts on the 10.2.2020 (Monday) and goes until the 14.2.2020 (Friday).
The script can be found in the folder script
and a nicely rendered version is
available here: online
Lecture Notes:
All notes that were written during the live coding are available in the folder
Solutions to the exercises can be found in the folder exercises
, in which we also
store the data which is needed to solve the exercises. (As of right now we cannot upload
the exercises due to copyright issues.) At the moment the exercise sheets themselves
cannot be found online.
Outlook: On Friday I present on whats possible with R which I summarize in a small outlook.
If you wish to change the script feel free to do so. The script is rendered from an
r-markdown file which is found in script/script.Rmd
. Just open the file in RStudio
and run the following commands in the console
rmarkdown::render("path/to/script.Rmd", output_format="tufte_html")
rmarkdown::render("path/to/script.Rmd", output_format="tufte_handout")
Hopefully RStudio will tell you which packages you need to install before you can run these commands; however, since there are a thousand things that can go wrong with the package versions or latex you might need to get your hands dirty on stackoverflow. Just as an example I had to reinstall some latex related packages (on my linux machine) with
$ sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex texlive-extra-utils texlive-fonts-recommended
but for your system you might need to do something very different. In any case you might want to check out the documentation of the tufte-style I'm using: docs.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated, even if its just about a typo. Write a feature request, issue or directly start with a pull request. If you don't know what these things mean and you still want to contribute just drop me an email; see the contact below.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.
Tim Mensinger - tim.mensinger@uni-bonn.de