=== Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) === Contributors: stomlinson, Marcel Bokhorst, M66B Tags: security, admin, authentication, access, widget, login, shortcode, comment, comments, discussion, bbPress, bbPress 2.0, browserid, mozilla, persona Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 0.43 Implementation of Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) for WordPress == Description == [Mozilla Persona](https://login.persona.org/ "Mozilla Persona") is an open source identity system from the [Identity Team](http://identity.mozilla.com/ "Identity Team") at [Mozilla](https://mozilla.org/ "Mozilla"). "*As a user of Mozilla Persona (BrowserID), you confirm your email addresses once. Then, you can sign into any web site that supports Mozilla Persona with just two clicks.*" This plugin allows users to sign into your site using Mozilla Persona. A widget, shortcode and template tags are provided. Custom login and logout links can be created. **Beta features:** * Submit comments with Mozilla Persona * [bbPress 2](http://bbpress.org/ "bbPress") integration: create topics / reply with Mozilla Persona ** Reporting problems:** Please report any issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/browserid-wordpress/issues). == Installation == *Using the WordPress dashboard* 1. Login to your weblog 1. Go to Plugins 1. Select Add New 1. Search for Mozilla Persona 1. Select Install 1. Select Install Now 1. Select Activate Plugin *Manual* 1. Download and unzip the plugin 1. Upload the entire *browserid/* directory to the */wp-content/plugins/* directory 1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is 'Custom login HTML for?' = Try putting the following into this option: `<img src="https://login.persona.org/i/browserid_logo_sm.png" />` Now you will see the Mozilla Persona logo instead of the login button. = Which server verifies the assertion? = The assertion is verified by the server at https://login.persona.org/verify. = I get 'SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK' = Your hosting provider should take a look at the SSL certificates. You can check the option *Do not verify SSL certificate*, but please realize this isn't entirely safe. = I get 'Bad Gateway' = The login.persona.org service is still in testing phase. Trying again may help. = I get 'Login failed' = Only users that registered before can login. The e-mail address used for Mozilla Persona should match the e-mail address registered with. = I get 'Verification failed' = Are you cheating? If there isn't an error message, turn on debug mode to see the complete response. = I get 'Verification void' = Something went terribly wrong. If there isn't an error message, turn on debug mode to see the complete response. = I get 'Verification invalid' = Maybe the time of your hosting server is incorrect. You could check the option *Do not check valid until time* to solve this. = Where can I ask questions, report bugs and request features? = You can write comments on [GitHub](https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/browserid-wordpress/issues). == Screenshots == 1. Mozilla Persona logo 1. Mozilla Persona login button 1. WordPress login dialog == Getting Involved == == Maintainers == * [Shane Tomlinson](https://shanetomlinson.com) - shane@shanetomlinson.com or stomlinson@mozilla.com * [Marcel Bokhorst](http://blog.bokhorst.biz) == Changelog == = Development version = * ... Follow these steps to install the development version: * Download the development version by clicking on [this link](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/browserid.zip) * Go to *Plugins* on your WordPress dashboard * *Deactivate* Mozilla Persona * *Delete* Mozilla Persona (*Yes, delete these files*) * Click *Add New* * Click *Upload* (a link at the top) * Click *Choose file* and select the file you downloaded before * Click *Install*, then *Activate Plugin* = 0.43 = * Continue with 0.41 * Bug Fix: Fix the missing arguments errors * Bug Fix: HTML Escape the hostname when printing debug information * Bug Fix: Logout link from the widget signs the user out of Persona * Security Improvement: Remove the "Noverify SSL Certificate" option = 0.42 = * Revert to 0.37 = 0.41 = * Bug Fix: Fix the "missing arguments" error due to not declaring the number of expected variables to Set_auth_cookie_action. = 0.40 = * New Feature: Add option to disable normal username/password auth. * Improvement: Convert from navigator.id.get to navigator.id.watch/.request API. * * New Feature: If user signs out of Persona, they are signed out of the Wordpress site as well. * New Feature: Easier user signup when using Persona - no email verification required. * Improvement: Better comment integration, especially for new users. * Improvement: Update the login/logout widget to match styling of other Wordpress widgets. * Improvement: Add a "Settings" link to the BrowserID list item in the plugins list. * Bug Fix: Fix a bug where server clock skew from the Persona servers could prevent users from signing in. * Improvement: Update "Sign in" buttons to use the new Persona button style. * Improvement: Unify signin and comment Javascript. = 0.37 = * Bump version number for new maintainer info. = 0.36 = * Bugfix: *browserid_error* = 0.35 = * Bugfix: redirect option, thanks *Lwangaman*! = 0.34 = * Added Italian translation by [John R. D'Orazio](http://johnromanodorazio.blogspot.it/ "John R. D'Orazio") = 0.33 = * Updated URL to verification server * Updated Mozilla CA certificates = 0.32 = * Fixed notices * Updated French translation = 0.31 = * Renamed Mozilla BrowserID into Mozilla Persona * New feature: site name/logo in login dialog * Both by [Shane Tomlinson](https://shanetomlinson.com/), thanks! * Added French translation * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations * Tested with WordPress 3.4.1 = 0.29 = * Added Swedish (sv\_SE) translation * Improvement: load scripts at footer by *Marvin Rühe* * Tested with WordPress 3.4 = 0.28 = * Improvement: POST assertion by *Marvin Rühe* * Improvement: included Mozilla CA certificates * Improvement: included BrowserID logo * New feature: login button localization * Added German Translation by *Marvin Rühe* = 0.27 = * Bugfix: remember me = 0.26 = * New feature: BrowserID for comments (beta, option) * New feature: bbPress integration (beta, option) * Improvement: added title/class to BrowserID buttons * Improvement: files instead of inline JavaScript script * Improvement: added 'What is?' link * Improvement: more debug info * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations * Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen") = 0.25 = * Improvement: store debug info only when debugging enabled * Improvement: add trailing slash to site URL * Improvement: respect login redirect to parameter * Improvement: better error messages * Thanks to [mitcho](http://mitcho.com "mitcho") for the suggestions and testing! = 0.24 = * Removed [Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network](http://pluginsponsors.com/) = 0.23 = * Improvement: compatibility with WordPress 3.3 = 0.22 = * Re-release of version 0.21, because of a bug in wordpress.org = 0.21 = * Bugfix: renamed *valid-until* into *expires* * Improvement: fixed a few notices = 0.20 = * Bugfix: shortcode still not working = 0.19 = * Bugfix: widget, shortcode, template tag not working = 0.18 = * Improvement: workaround for bug in Microsoft IIS = 0.17 = * Improvement: applying filter *login_redirect* = 0.16 = * Improvement: only load BrowserID script on login page = 0.15 = * **Protocol change**: verification with POST instead of GET * Improvement: no logout link on login page * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations * Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen") = 0.14 = * New feature: option to redirect to set URL after login = 0.13 = * Bug fix: correctly handling WordPress errors = 0.12 = * Improvement: check issuer * Improvement: more debug info = 0.11 = * Fixed IDN = 0.9 = * New feature: shortcode for login/out button/link: *[mozilla_persona]* * New feature: template tag for login/out button/link: *mozilla_persona* * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations * Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen") = 0.8 = * New feature: option to set verification server * Improvement: checking assertion valid until time (can be switch off with an option) * Improvement: using [idn_to_utf8](http://php.net/manual/en/function.idn-to-utf8.php "idn_to_utf8") when available * Updated FAQ * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations = 0.7 = * New feature: support for *Remember Me* check box * Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen") = 0.6 = * New feature: option *Do not verify SSL certificate* * Updated Dutch and Flemish translations = 0.5 = * Improvement: more debug info * Tested with WordPress 3.1 = 0.4 = * Bug fix: using site URL in stead of home URL * Updated FAQ = 0.3 = * Improvement: better error messages * Improvement: more debug info * Improvement: support for [internationalized domain names](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name "IDN") * Updated FAQ * Added Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen"), thanks! = 0.2 = * Bugfix: custom HTML for login page * Added Flemish translation * Updated Dutch translation = 0.1 = * Initial version = 0.0 = * Development version == Upgrade Notice == = 0.36 = One bugfix = 0.33 = Updated URL to verification server = 0.32 = Fixed notices = 0.31 = Renamed Mozilla BrowserID into Mozilla Persona = 0.29 = One improvement, one new translation = 0.28 = One new feature, threee improvements = 0.27 = One bugfix = 0.26 = Two new features, four improvements, translation updates = 0.25 = Four improvements = 0.24 = Compliance = 0.23 = Compatibility = 0.21 = One bugfix, one improvement = 0.20 = One bugfix = 0.19 = One bugfix = 0.18 = One improvement = 0.17 = One improvement = 0.16 = One improvement = 0.15 = Protocol change! Verification with POST instead of GET = 0.14 = One new feature = 0.13 = One bugfix = 0.12 = Two improvements = 0.11 = Fixed IDN = 0.9 = Two new features, translation update = 0.8 = One new feature, two improvements = 0.7 = One new feature = 0.6 = One new feature = 0.5 = One improvement = 0.4 = Bugfix = 0.3 = Three improvements = 0.2 = One bugfix = 0.1 = First public release == Acknowledgments == [Marcel Bokhorst](http://blog.bokhorst.biz/) is the original author of this plugin. His awesome work has allowed me to continue. This plugin uses: * The client side [Mozilla Persona script](https://login.persona.org/include.js "Mozilla Persona script")