
Wordpress plugin that adds Persona authentication

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) ===
Contributors: stomlinson, Marcel Bokhorst, M66B
Tags: security, admin, authentication, access, widget, login, shortcode, comment, comments, discussion, bbPress, bbPress 2.0, browserid, mozilla, persona
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.5.1
Stable tag: 0.43

Implementation of Mozilla Persona (BrowserID) for WordPress

== Description ==

[Mozilla Persona](https://login.persona.org/ "Mozilla Persona") is an open source identity system from the [Identity Team](http://identity.mozilla.com/ "Identity Team") at [Mozilla](https://mozilla.org/ "Mozilla").

"*As a user of Mozilla Persona (BrowserID), you confirm your email addresses once. Then, you can sign into any web site that supports Mozilla Persona with just two clicks.*"

This plugin allows users to sign into your site using Mozilla Persona. A widget, shortcode and template tags are provided. Custom login and logout links can be created.

**Beta features:**

* Submit comments with Mozilla Persona
* [bbPress 2](http://bbpress.org/ "bbPress") integration: create topics / reply with Mozilla Persona

** Reporting problems:**

Please report any issues on [GitHub](https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/browserid-wordpress/issues).

== Installation ==

*Using the WordPress dashboard*

1. Login to your weblog
1. Go to Plugins
1. Select Add New
1. Search for Mozilla Persona
1. Select Install
1. Select Install Now
1. Select Activate Plugin


1. Download and unzip the plugin
1. Upload the entire *browserid/* directory to the */wp-content/plugins/* directory
1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What is 'Custom login HTML for?' =

Try putting the following into this option:

`<img src="https://login.persona.org/i/browserid_logo_sm.png" />`

Now you will see the Mozilla Persona logo instead of the login button.

= Which server verifies the assertion? =

The assertion is verified by the server at https://login.persona.org/verify.

= I get 'SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK' =

Your hosting provider should take a look at the SSL certificates.
You can check the option *Do not verify SSL certificate*, but please realize this isn't entirely safe.

= I get 'Bad Gateway' =

The login.persona.org service is still in testing phase.
Trying again may help.

= I get 'Login failed' =

Only users that registered before can login.
The e-mail address used for Mozilla Persona should match the e-mail address registered with.

= I get 'Verification failed' =

Are you cheating?
If there isn't an error message, turn on debug mode to see the complete response.

= I get 'Verification void' =

Something went terribly wrong.
If there isn't an error message, turn on debug mode to see the complete response.

= I get 'Verification invalid' =

Maybe the time of your hosting server is incorrect.
You could check the option *Do not check valid until time* to solve this.

= Where can I ask questions, report bugs and request features? =

You can write comments on [GitHub](https://github.com/shane-tomlinson/browserid-wordpress/issues).

== Screenshots ==

1. Mozilla Persona logo
1. Mozilla Persona login button
1. WordPress login dialog

== Getting Involved ==

== Maintainers ==
* [Shane Tomlinson](https://shanetomlinson.com) - shane@shanetomlinson.com or stomlinson@mozilla.com 
* [Marcel Bokhorst](http://blog.bokhorst.biz)

== Changelog ==

= Development version =
* ...

Follow these steps to install the development version:

* Download the development version by clicking on [this link](http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/browserid.zip)
* Go to *Plugins* on your WordPress dashboard
* *Deactivate* Mozilla Persona
* *Delete* Mozilla Persona (*Yes, delete these files*)
* Click *Add New*
* Click *Upload* (a link at the top)
* Click *Choose file* and select the file you downloaded before
* Click *Install*, then *Activate Plugin*

= 0.43 =
* Continue with 0.41
* Bug Fix: Fix the missing arguments errors
* Bug Fix: HTML Escape the hostname when printing debug information
* Bug Fix: Logout link from the widget signs the user out of Persona
* Security Improvement: Remove the "Noverify SSL Certificate" option

= 0.42 =
* Revert to 0.37

= 0.41 =
* Bug Fix: Fix the "missing arguments" error due to not declaring the number of expected variables to Set_auth_cookie_action.

= 0.40 =
* New Feature: Add option to disable normal username/password auth.
* Improvement: Convert from navigator.id.get to navigator.id.watch/.request API.
* * New Feature: If user signs out of Persona, they are signed out of the Wordpress site as well.
* New Feature: Easier user signup when using Persona - no email verification required.
* Improvement: Better comment integration, especially for new users.
* Improvement: Update the login/logout widget to match styling of other Wordpress widgets.
* Improvement: Add a "Settings" link to the BrowserID list item in the plugins list.
* Bug Fix: Fix a bug where server clock skew from the Persona servers could prevent users from signing in.
* Improvement: Update "Sign in" buttons to use the new Persona button style.
* Improvement: Unify signin and comment Javascript.

= 0.37 =
* Bump version number for new maintainer info.

= 0.36 =
* Bugfix: *browserid_error*

= 0.35 =
* Bugfix: redirect option, thanks *Lwangaman*!

= 0.34 =
* Added Italian translation by [John R. D'Orazio](http://johnromanodorazio.blogspot.it/ "John R. D'Orazio")

= 0.33 =
* Updated URL to verification server
* Updated Mozilla CA certificates

= 0.32 =
* Fixed notices
* Updated French translation

= 0.31 =
* Renamed Mozilla BrowserID into Mozilla Persona
* New feature: site name/logo in login dialog
* Both by [Shane Tomlinson](https://shanetomlinson.com/), thanks!
* Added French translation
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations
* Tested with WordPress 3.4.1

= 0.29 =
* Added Swedish (sv\_SE) translation
* Improvement: load scripts at footer by *Marvin Rühe*
* Tested with WordPress 3.4

= 0.28 =
* Improvement: POST assertion by *Marvin Rühe*
* Improvement: included Mozilla CA certificates
* Improvement: included BrowserID logo
* New feature: login button localization
* Added German Translation by *Marvin Rühe*

= 0.27 =
* Bugfix: remember me

= 0.26 =
* New feature: BrowserID for comments (beta, option)
* New feature: bbPress integration (beta, option)
* Improvement: added title/class to BrowserID buttons
* Improvement: files instead of inline JavaScript script
* Improvement: added 'What is?' link
* Improvement: more debug info
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations
* Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen")

= 0.25 =
* Improvement: store debug info only when debugging enabled
* Improvement: add trailing slash to site URL
* Improvement: respect login redirect to parameter
* Improvement: better error messages
* Thanks to [mitcho](http://mitcho.com "mitcho") for the suggestions and testing!

= 0.24 =
* Removed [Sustainable Plugins Sponsorship Network](http://pluginsponsors.com/)

= 0.23 =
* Improvement: compatibility with WordPress 3.3

= 0.22 =
* Re-release of version 0.21, because of a bug in wordpress.org

= 0.21 =
* Bugfix: renamed *valid-until* into *expires*
* Improvement: fixed a few notices

= 0.20 =
* Bugfix: shortcode still not working

= 0.19 =
* Bugfix: widget, shortcode, template tag not working

= 0.18 =
* Improvement: workaround for bug in Microsoft IIS

= 0.17 =
* Improvement: applying filter *login_redirect*

= 0.16 =
* Improvement: only load BrowserID script on login page

= 0.15 =
* **Protocol change**: verification with POST instead of GET
* Improvement: no logout link on login page
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations
* Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen")

= 0.14 =
* New feature: option to redirect to set URL after login

= 0.13 =
* Bug fix: correctly handling WordPress errors

= 0.12 =
* Improvement: check issuer
* Improvement: more debug info

= 0.11 =
* Fixed IDN

= 0.9 =
* New feature: shortcode for login/out button/link: *[mozilla_persona]*
* New feature: template tag for login/out button/link: *mozilla_persona*
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations
* Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen")

= 0.8 =
* New feature: option to set verification server
* Improvement: checking assertion valid until time (can be switch off with an option)
* Improvement: using [idn_to_utf8](http://php.net/manual/en/function.idn-to-utf8.php "idn_to_utf8") when available
* Updated FAQ
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations

= 0.7 =
* New feature: support for *Remember Me* check box
* Updated Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen")

= 0.6 =
* New feature: option *Do not verify SSL certificate*
* Updated Dutch and Flemish translations

= 0.5 =
* Improvement: more debug info
* Tested with WordPress 3.1

= 0.4 =
* Bug fix: using site URL in stead of home URL
* Updated FAQ

= 0.3 =
* Improvement: better error messages
* Improvement: more debug info
* Improvement: support for [internationalized domain names](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalized_domain_name "IDN")
* Updated FAQ
* Added Norwegian (nb\_NO) translation by [Stein Ivar Johnsen](http://www.idyrøy.no/ "Stein Ivar Johnsen"), thanks!

= 0.2 =
* Bugfix: custom HTML for login page
* Added Flemish translation
* Updated Dutch translation

= 0.1 =
* Initial version

= 0.0 =
* Development version

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 0.36 =
One bugfix

= 0.33 =
Updated URL to verification server

= 0.32 =
Fixed notices

= 0.31 =
Renamed Mozilla BrowserID into Mozilla Persona

= 0.29 =
One improvement, one new translation

= 0.28 =
One new feature, threee improvements

= 0.27 =
One bugfix

= 0.26 =
Two new features, four improvements, translation updates

= 0.25 =
Four improvements

= 0.24 =

= 0.23 =

= 0.21 =
One bugfix, one improvement

= 0.20 =
One bugfix

= 0.19 =
One bugfix

= 0.18 =
One improvement

= 0.17 =
One improvement

= 0.16 =
One improvement

= 0.15 =
Protocol change! Verification with POST instead of GET

= 0.14 =
One new feature

= 0.13 =
One bugfix

= 0.12 =
Two improvements

= 0.11 =
Fixed IDN

= 0.9 =
Two new features, translation update

= 0.8 =
One new feature, two improvements

= 0.7 =
One new feature

= 0.6 =
One new feature

= 0.5 =
One improvement

= 0.4 =

= 0.3 =
Three improvements

= 0.2 =
One bugfix

= 0.1 =
First public release

== Acknowledgments ==
[Marcel Bokhorst](http://blog.bokhorst.biz/) is the original author of this plugin. His awesome work has allowed me to continue.

This plugin uses:

* The client side [Mozilla Persona script](https://login.persona.org/include.js "Mozilla Persona script")