
This is repository as a community group to build playbooks for SNN, WINT, CPCE, ESXI, Palo Alto and other systems we use.

19 DEC 2022 Update:

When creating playbooks for specifc devices (Cisco, Palo Alto, ESXI, ect) place the YAML file in the respective file




This is repository as a community group to build playbooks for SNN, WINT, CPCE, ESXI, Palo Alto and other systems we use. Please if you create a playbook lable it as followed.

file name - purpose for playbook # configure_change_tunnel.yaml

YAML playbook

  • name: Backup router running configuration hosts: routers connection: network_cli gather_facts: false

    tasks: #This command will save back up into the nested folder when ran

    • name: Backup router with cli_command cli_command: command: show run register: r_backup

    • name: Capture backup to control host vars: copy: content: "{{ r_backup.stdout }}" dest: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"