
Stat dataset via pipeline(use mongo aggregation syntax)

Primary LanguagePython

Stat dataset via pipeline

pipestat is a library for stat dataset via pipeline, which use mongo aggregation framework syntax. see this mongo aggregation pipeline for how pipeline work.


Here is a quick example to get a feeling of pipestat, extract fields from event, and then stat count and elapse:

>>> from pipestat import pipestat

>>> pipeline = [
...     {
...         "$match": {
...             "_event": {"$regex": "Collect.*timeline\s+end"},
...         },
...     },
...     {
...         "$project": {
...             "app": {"$extract": ["$_event", "app:(\w*)"]},
...             "action": {"$extract": ["$_event", "(cached|refresh|locked)"]},
...             "elapse": {
...                 "$toNumber": {
...                     "$extract": ["$_event", "elapse:([\d.]*)"],
...                 },
...             }
...         },
...     },
...     {
...         "$group": {
...             "_id": {
...                 "app": "$app",
...                 "action": "$action"
...             },
...             "count": {"$sum": 1},
...             "min_elapse": {"$min": "$elapse"},
...             "max_elapse": {"$max": "$elapse"},
...             "sum_elapse": {"$sum": "$elapse"},
...         }
...     },
...     {
...         "$project": {
...             "app": "$_id.app",
...             "action": "$_id.action",
...             "count": "$count",
...             "elapse": {
...                 "min": "$min_elapse",
...                 "max": "$max_elapse",
...                 "avg": {"$divide": ["$sum_elapse", "$count"]},
...             },
...         },
...     },
...     {
...         "$sort": [
...             ("app", 1),
...             ("action", 1),
...         ]
...     },
... ]

>>> dataset = [
...     {
...         "_event": "[2014-01-16 16:13:49,171] DEBUG Collect app:app37 timeline end... refresh, elapse:1.0",
...     },
...     {
...         "_event": "[2014-01-16 16:13:49,171] DEBUG Collect app:app37 timeline end... refresh, elapse:2.0",
...     },
...     {
...         "_event": "[2014-01-16 16:13:49,171] DEBUG Collect app:app37 timeline end... cached, elapse:0.01",
...     },
...     {
...         "_event": "[2014-01-16 16:13:49,171] DEBUG Collect app:app40 timeline end... refresh, elapse:2.0",
...     },
... ]

>>> pipestat(dataset, pipeline)
        "count": 1.0,
        "app": "app37",
        "action": "cached",
        "elapse": {
            "min": 0.01,
            "max": 0.01,
            "avg": 0.01,
        "count": 1.0,
        "app": "app37",
        "action": "refresh",
        "elapse": {
            "min": 1.0,
            "max": 2.0,
            "avg": 1.5,
        "count": 1.0,
        "app": "app40",
        "action": "refresh",
        "elapse": {
            "min": 2.0,
            "max": 2.0,
            "avg": 2.0,

What commands pipestat support


$match pipes the documents that match its conditions to the next operator in the pipeline. See this mongo aggregation $match for more.

$match command support basic operators:
$exists, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne, $eq, $in, $mod, $and, $or, $nor, $not, $nin, $all, $elemMatch

in addition to this, pipestat $match command support more, like $regex, $call.

$regex operator use regular expression to match specify field value, use like below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$match": {
...            "_event": {"$regex": "Collect.*timeline\s+end"},
...        },
...    },
... ]

$call operator use callable which argument is document, and return True or False to indicate match or not, use like below:

>>> mf = lambda doc: doc["in"] > doc["out"]

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$match": {
...            "$call": mf,
...        },
...    },
... ]


Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields. Also use $project to create computed values or sub-documents. Use $project to:

  • Include fields from the original document.
  • Insert computed fields.
  • Rename fields.
  • Create and populate fields that hold sub-documents.

See this mongo aggregation $project for more.

$project command support basic operators:
$add, $subtract, $multiply, $divide, $mod, $toLower, $toUpper, $substr, $concat and Date operators.

in addition to this, pipestat $project command support more, like $toNumber, $substring, $extract, $timestamp, $use, $call.

$toNumber operator use to convert string to number.

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "elapse": {"$toNumber": "$elapse"},
...        },
...    },
... ]

$substring returns a subset of a string between one index and another, or through the end of the string. it support negative index.

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "app": {"$substring": ["$app", 3, 5]},
...        },
...    },
... ]
>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "app": {"$substring": ["$app", 3]},
...        },
...    },
... ]

$extract operator use to extract field from other field use regular expression, value fetch order is groupdict()["extract"] > group(1) > group(), use like below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "app": {"$extract": ["$_event", "app:(\w*)"]},
...            "action": {"$extract": ["$_event", "(cached|refresh|locked)"]},
...             "elapse": {
...                 "$toNumber": {
...                     "$extract": ["$_event", "elapse:([\d.]*)"],
...                 },
...             }
...        },
...    },
... ]

$timestamp operator convert formatted string time to seconds float value, use like below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "ts": {"$timestamp": ["$ts_str", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]},
...        },
...    },
... ]

$use operator used to parse value use predefined parser or any callable, use like below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "name": {"$use": ["$name", "json"]}, # '{"lastName":"mike","firstName":"kitty"}' ==> {"lastName": "mike", "firstName": "kitty"}
...        },
...    },
... ]

$call operator used for advance purpose if all above cannot satisfy you, use like below:

>>> slot_ts = lambda document: document["ts"] // 300 * 300

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$project": {
...            "ts": {"$call": slot_ts},
...        },
...    },
... ]

pipestat $project command support combine operator like below:

>>> pipeline = [
...     {
...         "$project": {
...             "traffic": {"$divide": [{"$multiply": ["$traffic", 8]}, 1024]}
...         }
...     }
... ]


Groups documents together for the purpose of calculating aggregate values based on a collection of documents. In practice, $group often supports tasks such as average page views for each page in a website on a daily basis.

See this mongo aggregation $group for more.

$group command support basic operators:
$sum, $min, $max, $first, $last, $addToSet, $push.

in addition to this, pipestat $group command support more, like $concatToSet, $concatToList, $call. see a example as below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$group": {
...            "_id": {
...                "app": "$app",
...                "action": "$action"
...            },
...            "count": {"$sum": 1},
...            "min_elapse": {"$min": "$elapse"},
...            "max_elapse": {"$max": "$elapse"},
...            "sum_elapse": {"$sum": "$elapse"},
...        }
...    },
... ]

$concatToSet operator used to merge many list values or single values to one list which without same value.

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$group": {
...            "_id": {
...                "app": "$app",
...            },
...            "action": {"$concatToSet": "$action"},
...        }
...    },
... ]

$concatToList operator work same with $concatToSet but final list can have same value.

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$group": {
...            "_id": {
...                "app": "$app",
...            },
...            "action": {"$concatToList": "$action"},
...        }
...    },
... ]

$call operator used for advance purpose if all above cannot satisfy you, $call is very like python built-in reduce function. it's second paramter is accumulate result, initial value is customed undefined.

>>> from pipestat import pipestat, undefined

>>> def filter_concat(document, acc_val):
...     if document["action"] != "refresh":
...         acc_val.append(document["action"])
...     return acc_val

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$group": {
...            "_id": {
...                "app": "$app",
...            },
...            "action": {
...                "$call": filter_concat
...            },
...        }
...    },
... ]


the $sort pipeline command sorts all input documents and returns them to the pipeline in sorted order

See this mongo aggregation $sort for more.

$sort command is identical to mongo aggregation $sort, not only use dict, you also can use a list of tuple or collections.OrderedDict, for multi-key sort order reason! see a example as below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$sort": {"app": 1}
...    },
... ]

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$sort": [
...            ("app", 1),
...            ("action", 1),
...        ]
...    },
... ]


Restricts the number of documents that pass through the $limit in the pipeline.

See this mongo aggregation $limit for more.

$limit command is identical to mongo aggregation $limit, see a example as below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$limit": 3,
...    },
... ]


Skips over the specified number of documents that pass through the $skip in the pipeline before passing all of the remaining input.

See this mongo aggregation $skip for more.

$skip command is identical to mongo aggregation $skip, see a example as below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$skip": 3,
...    },
... ]


Peels off the elements of an array individually, and returns a stream of documents. $unwind returns one document for every member of the unwound array within every source document.

See this mongo aggregation $unwind for more.

$unwind command is identical to mongo aggregation $unwind, see a example as below:

>>> pipeline = [
...    {
...        "$unwind": "$tags",
...    },
... ]