- install yo using npm
npm install -g yo
- install
npm install -g generator-isomorphism-koa2-react
- mkdir && cd your project directory,eg:
mkdir test && cd test
- run isomorphism-koa2-react with yo
yo isomorphism-koa2-react
- answers
? What's the Project name(isomorphism-koa2-react)
? What's the Project version(1.0.0)
? What's the Project description()
? What's the Project git repository()
? What's your name()
- finish
npm start
├── README.md
├── app #前端相关
│ ├── actions #redux actions
│ ├── app.js #根节点挂载
│ ├── common #公共部分
│ ├── components #组件
│ ├── containers #容器
│ ├── reducers #redux reducers
│ ├── routes.js #react-router
│ └── store #redux store
├── bin
│ ├── development.js #development enter file
│ └── production.js #production enter file
├── package.json
├── platforms #平台相关
│ ├── common #公共部分
│ └── server #服务相关
├── public
│ └── favicon.ico
├── test #测试代码相关
│ ├── actions #测试redux actions
│ │ └── about_test.js
│ ├── karma.conf.js #karma.conf
│ └── test_index.js #测试入口文件
├── webpack.build.js #production webpack
├── webpack.development.js #development webpack
├── webpack.test.js #test webpack
└── yarn.lock #yarn.lock
"scripts": {
"start": "node bin/development.js", //development
"production": "node bin/production.js", //production
"build": "npm run clean && webpack --config webpack.build.js", //build
"clean": "rm -rf public/build/ && rm -rf dist/", //clean
"test": "./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start test/karma.conf.js", //test
"dev": "npm start" //development