A python discord bot that offers useful utility commands
- !jail <@user> <time [m,h,d,w]>
- !jail @Zombie Extinguisher 3h
- !unjail <@user>
- !restart <server_name> (Reboots a pterodactyl hosted server)
- !restart sandbox
- !purgeraid <date dd/mm/yyyy> (Kicks all members that joined on that date without role)
- !say <message> (Talks as the bot)
- !profile <steamid> or <@user> (Sends a link to the steam profile)
- !profile STEAM_0:0:30269268
- !profile @Zombie (Only works if user joined with the bot generated link)
- !steamid (Converts a Steam community URL to a SteamID)
The bot requires a .env file (root dir) with the following constants
For jail to work, the discord guild needs the following:
- general (Released from prison message)
- jail (Channel for the jailed members)
Jailed role
Although extremely useful (especially with the increase in discord raid bots) it can have false positives. This works best on servers that require users to pick a role in order to gain access or more privileges.
When a new member joins the bot will log what invite link they used from what user.
For the invite logger to work, the discord guild needs the following:
- Channels:
- invite-logs (Channel for the invite logs)
The bot also offers an API POST call to retreive a custom one-time 5 minute use invite and logs the details of that invite to the logging channel so that everyone can be tracked.
For the invite creation API you need:
- name ( invite requestee name )
- steamID ( invite requestee steam id )
- guildID ( the id of your guild )
- channelID ( the invite channel )