
Security papers about software vulnerabilities and exploits


Security papers about software vulnerabilities, exploits and defenses in recent top conferences.

keywords : memory safety, exploits, attck and defense, script , web security, Android and IoT securtiy.



  • Automated Generation of Event-Oriented Exploits in Android Hybrid Apps
  • VulDeePecker: A Deep Learning-Based System for Vulnerability Detection
  • CFIXX : Object Type Integrity of c++
  • K-Miner: Uncovering Memory Corruption in Linux
  • Back To The Epilogue: Evading Control Flow Guard via Unaligned Targets.
  • Enhancing Memory Error Detection for Large-Scale Applications and Fuzz Testing.
  • SYNODE: Understanding and Automatically Preventing Injection Attacks on NODE.JS.
  • JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks.

Oakland (S&P)

  • Compiler-assisted Code Randomization
  • Hackers vs. Testers: A Comparison of Software Vulnerability Discovery Processes
  • Manipulating Machine Learning: Poisoning Attacks and Countermeasures for Regression Learning
  • Protecting the Stack with Metadata Policies and Tagged Hardware
  • (European S&P) SoK : Security and Privacy in Machine Learning
  • (European S&P) Position-independent Code reuse : On the Effectiveness of ASLR in the Absence of Information Disclosure



  • SafeInit : Comprehensive and Practical Mitigation of Uninitialized Read Vulnerableabilities
  • Dachshund: Digging for and Securing (Non-)Blinded Constants in JIT Code
  • MARX: Uncovering Class Hierarchies in C++ Programs
  • PT-Rand: Practical Mitigation of Data-only Attacks against Page Tables
  • ASLR on the Line: Practical Cache Attacks on the MMU
  • Unleashing Use-Before-Initialization Vulnerabilities in the Linux Kernel Using Targeted Stack Spraying
  • Address Oblivious Code Reuse: On the Effectiveness of Leakage Resilient Diversity
  • An Evil Copy: How the Loader Betrays You
  • Stack Object Protection with Low Fat Pointers
  • Self Destructing Exploit Executions via Input Perturbation
  • A Call to ARMs: Understanding the Costs and Benefits of JIT Spraying Mitigations

Oakland (S&P)

  • Sok: Science, Security, and the Elusive Goal of Security as a scientific Pursite
  • Stack Overflow Considered Harmful ? — The Impact of copy & Paste on Android Application Security
  • You Exploit is Mine : Automatic Shellcode Transplant for Remote Exploits
  • Finding and Preventing Bugs in JavaScript Bindings

USENIX Security

  • Efficient Protection of Path-Sensitive Control Security
  • Hacking in Darkness: Return-oriented Programming against Secure Enclaves
  • Towards Efficient Heap Overflow Discovery
  • Understanding the Mirai Botnet


  • FreeGuard : A Faster Secure Heap Allocator
  • The Dynamics of Innocent Flesh on the Bone : Code Reuse Then years Later
  • Capturing Malware Propagations with Code Injections and Code-Reuse attacks
  • Code-reuse attacks for the Web: Breaking Cross-Site Scripting Mitigations via Script Gadgets
  • Object Flow Integrity
  • PtrSplit: Supporting General Pointers in Automatic Program Partitioning



  • How to Make ASLR win the Clone Wars: Runtime Re-Randomization
  • Leakage-Resilient Layout Randomization for Mobile Devices
  • CrossFire: An Analysis of Firefox Extension-Reuse Vulnerabilities
  • You are a Game Bot!: Uncovering Game Bots in MMORPGs via Self-similarity in the Wild
  • Protecting C++ Dynamic Dispatch Through VTable Interleaving
  • Enforcing Kernel Security Invariants with Data Flow Integrity

Oakland (S&P)

  • Sok : (State of) The Art of War : Offensive Techniques in Binary Analysis
  • Data-Oriented Programming : On the Expressivenss of Non-Control Data Attacks
  • A Tough call: Mitigating Advanced Code-Reuse Attacks At The Binary Level
  • Dedup Est Machina: Memory Deduplication as an Advanced Exploitation Vector
  • Return to the Zombie Gadgets: Undermining Destructive Code Reads via Code-Inference Attacks

USENIX Security

  • Undermining Information Hiding (and What to Do about It)
  • Poking Holes information Hiding
  • What Cannot Be Read Cannot Leveraged? Revisiting Assumptions of JIT-ROP Defenses


  • CREDAL: Towards Locating a Memory Corruption Vulnerability with Your Core Dump
  • Twice the Bits, Twice the Trouble: Vulnerabilities Induced by Migrating to 64-Bit Platforms
  • Chainsaw: Chained Automated Workflow-based Exploit Generation
  • Build It, Break It, Fix It: Contesting Secure Development
  • An In-Depth Study of More Than Ten Years of Java Exploitation
  • On Code Execution Tracking via Power Side-Channel
  • Error Handling of In-vehicle Networks Makes Them Vulnerable
  • Generic Attacks on Secure Outsourced Databases
  • Lurking Malice in the Cloud: Understanding and Detecting Cloud Repository as a Malicious Service



  • VTint: Protecting Virtual Function Tables’ Integrity
  • FreeSentry:protecting against use-after-free vulnerabilities due to dangling pointers
  • StackArmor: Comprehensive Protection From Stack-based Memory Error Vulnerability for binaries
  • Isomeron: Code Randomization Resilient to (Just In Time) Return-Oriented Programming
  • Principled Sampling for Anomaly Detection
  • Opaque Control-Flow Integrity
  • The Devil is in the Constants : Bypassing Defenses in Browser JIT Engines
  • Exploiting and Protecting Dynamic Code Generation
  • Too LeJIT to Quit: Extending JIT Spraying to ARM

Oakland (S&P)

  • SoK: Research Perspective and Challenges for Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
  • Counterfeit Object-oriented Programming: On the Difficult of Preventing Code Reuse Attacks in C++ Applications
  • Readactor : Practical Code Randomization Resilient to Memory Disclosure
  • Missing the Point(er): On the Effectiveness of Code Pointer Integrity
  • Automatic Inference of Search Patterns for Taint-Style Vulnerabilities

USENIX Security

  • Compiler-instrumented, Dynamic Secret-Redaction of Legacy Processes for Attacker Deception
  • Automatic Generation of Data-oriented exploits


  • Cracking App Isolation on Apple: Unauthorized Cross-App Resource Access on MAC OS X and iOS
  • It's a TRAP: Table Randomization and Protection against Function Reuse Attacks
  • Heisenbyte: Thwarting Memory Disclosure Attacks using Destructive Code Reads
  • Timely Rerandomization for Mitigating Memory Disclosures
  • ASLR-Guard: Stopping Address Space Leakage for Code Reuse Attacks
  • Static Detection of Packet Injection Vulnerabilities --- A Case for Identifying Attacker-controlled Implicit Information Leaks
  • Unearthing Stealthy Program Attacks Buried in Extremely Long Execution Paths
  • VCCFinder: Finding Potential Vulnerabilities in Open-Source Projects to Assist Code Audits
  • Symbolic Execution of Obfuscated Code
  • Control Jujutsu: On the Weaknesses of Fine-Grained Control Flow Integrity
  • The Spy in the Sandbox: Practical Cache Attacks in Javascript and their Implications


papers involved web security,web techonlogies, concurrency and program analysis, etc.



  • Are these Ads Safe: Detecting Hidden Attacks through the Mobile App-Web Interfaces
  • Attack Patterns for Black-Box Security Testing of Multi-Party Web Applications
  • It’s Free for a Reason: Exploring the Ecosystem of Free Live Streaming Services
  • CrossFire: An Analysis of Firefox Extension-Reuse Vulnerabilities


  • Parallel Performance Problems on Shared-Memory Multicore Systems: Taxonomy and Observation
  • Probabilistic Model Checking of Regenerative Concurrent Systems
  • Dynamic Testing for Deadlocks via Constraints
  • Asymptotic Perturbation Bounds for Probabilistic Model Checking with Empirically Determined Probability Parameters
  • Model Checking Software with First Order Logic Specifications Using AIG Solvers
  • A Lightweight System for Detecting and Tolerating Concurrency Bugs


  • Optimal Sanitization Synthesis for Web Application Vulnerability Repair
  • Automated and Effective Testing of Web Services for XML Injection Attacks
  • ARROW: Automated Repair of Races on Client-Side Web Pages
  • DEKANT: A Static Analysis Tool That Learns to Detect Web Application Vulnerabilities


  • CSPAutoGen: Black-box Enforcement of Content Security Policy upon Real-world Websites
  • Chainsaw: Chained Automated Workflow-based Exploit Generation
  • Measurement and Analysis of Private Key Sharing in the HTTPS Ecosystem


  • calable Thread Sharing Analysis
  • Coverage-Driven Test Code Generation for Concurrent Classes
  • Finding Security Bugs in Web Applications Using a Catalog of Access Control Patterns
  • Feedback-Directed Instrumentation for Deployed JavaScript Applications
  • Locking Discipline Inference and Checking

USENIX Security

  • Hey, You Have a Problem: On the Feasibility of Large-Scale Web Vulnerability Notification
  • Tracing Information Flows Between Ad Exchanges Using Retargeted Ads
  • Request and Conquer: Exposing Cross-Origin Resource Size
  • Trusted Browsers for Uncertain Times
  • You've Got Vulnerability: Exploring Effective Vulnerability Notifications
  • Internet Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Trackers: An Archaeological Study of Web Tracking from 1996 to 2016


  • Inference Attack on Browsing History of Twitter Users Using Public Click Analytics and Twitter Metadata


  • Cloak of Visibility: Detecting When Machines Browse a Different Web
  • Domain-Z: 28 Registrations Later
  • The Cracked Cookie Jar: HTTP Cookie Hijacking and the Exposure of Private Information
  • MitM Attack by Name Collision: Cause Analysis and Vulnerability Assessment in the New gTLD Era
  • Seeking Nonsense, Looking for Trouble: Efficient Promotional-Infection Detection through Semantic Inconsistency Search


  • Automated Reasoning for Web Page Layout
  • Ringer: Web Automation by Demonstration


  • Understanding and Generating High Quality Patches for Concurrency Bugs
  • Flow-Sensitive Composition of Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation
  • Parallel Data Race Detection for Task Parallel Programs with Locks
  • Revamping JavaScript Static Analysis via Localization and Remediation of Root Causes of Imprecision
  • WATERFALL: An Incremental Approach for Repairing Record-Replay Tests of Web Applications
  • A discrete-time feedback controller for containerized cloud applications
  • WebRanz: Web Page Randomization for Better Advertisement Delivery and Web-Bot Prevention
  • Constraint-Based Event Trace Reduction
  • A Deployable Sampling Strategy for Data Race Detection
  • CacheOptimizer: Helping Developers Configure Caching Frameworks for Hibernate-Based Database-Centric Web Applications
  • Static DOM Event Dependency Analysis for Testing Web Applications
  • Atlas: An Intelligent, Performant Framework for Web-Based Grid Computing
  • Online Shared Memory Dependence Reduction via Bisectional Coordination


  • GreenWeb: Language Extensions for Energy-Efficient Mobile Web Computing
  • Precise, Dynamic Information Flow for Database-Backed Applications



  • Enabling Reconstruction of Attacks on Users via Efficient Browsing Snapshots
  • (Cross-)Browser Fingerprinting via OS and Hardware Level Features
  • Fake Co-visitation Injection Attacks to Recommender Systems
  • Thou Shalt Not Depend on Me: Analysing the Use of Outdated JavaScript Libraries on the Web


  • A Study of Causes and Consequences of Client-Side JavaScript Bugs
  • AutoSense: A Framework for Automated Sensitivity Analysis of Program Data
  • A Survey of App Store Analysis for Software Engineering


  • Test Execution Checkpointing for Web Applications
  • Automated Layout Failure Detection for Responsive Web Pages without an Explicit Oracle
  • Testing and Analysis of Web Applications using Page Models


  • Deterministic Browser
  • Rewriting History: Changing the Archived Web from the Present
  • Hiding in Plain Sight: A Longitudinal Study of Combosquatting Abuse
  • Deemon: Detecting CSRF with Dynamic Analysis and Property Graphs
  • Hindsight: Understanding the Evolution of UI Vulnerabilities in Mobile Browsers
  • Don't Let One Rotten Apple Spoil the Whole Barrel: Towards Automated Detection of Shadowed Domains
  • Tail Attacks on Web Applications
  • Herding Vulnerable Cats: A Statistical Approach to Disentangle Joint Responsibility for Web Security in Shared Hosting
  • Most Websites Don't Need to Vibrate: A Cost-Benefit Approach to Improving Browser Security


  • Scalable Anti-Censorship Framework Using Moving Target Defense for Web Servers


  • Finding and Evaluating the Performance Impact of Redundant Data Access for Applications Using ORM
  • ZenIDS: Introspective Intrusion Detection for PHP Applications
  • Statically Checking Web API Requests in JavaScript
  • On Cross-stack Configuration Errors
  • To Type or Not to Type: Quantifying Preventable Bugs in JavaScript
  • RClassify: Classifying Race Conditions in Web Applications via Deterministic Replay


  • Diamond: Automating Data Management and Storage for Wide-Area, Reactive Applications
  • Kraken: Leveraging Live Traffic Tests to Identify and Resolve Resource Utilization Bottlenecks in Large Scale Web Services
  • Canopy: An End-to-End Performance Tracing And Analysis System
  • Lazy Diagnosis of In-Production Concurrency Bugs
  • The Efficient Server Audit Problem, Deduplicated Re-execution, and the Web
  • Pensieve: Non-Intrusive Failure Reproduction for Distributed Systems using the Event Chaining Approach
  • Realizing the Fault-Tolerance Promise of Cloud Storage Using Locks with Intent

USENIX Security

  • Same-Origin Policy: Evaluation in Modern Browsers
  • CCSP: Controlled Relaxation of Content Security Policies by Runtime Policy Composition
  • Loophole: Timing Attacks on Shared Event Loops in Chrome
  • PDF Mirage: Content Masking Attack Against Information-Based Online Services
  • Game of Registrars: An Empirical Analysis of Post-Expiration Domain Name Takeovers
  • Measuring the Insecurity of Mobile Deep Links of Android
  • How the Web Tangled Itself: Uncovering the History of Client-Side Web (In)Security
  • Extension Breakdown: Security Analysis of Browsers Extension Resources Control Policies
  • Exploring User Perceptions of Discrimination in Online Targeted Advertising


  • Generic Soft-Error Detection and Correction for Concurrent Data Structures


  • Finding and Preventing Bugs in JavaScript Bindings


  • Tapir: Embedding Fork-Join Parallelism into LLVM’s Intermediate Representation


  • Model Checking Copy Phases of Concurrent Copying Garbage Collection with Various Memory Models
  • Practical Initialization Race Detection for JavaScript Web Applications
  • Deadlock Avoidance in Parallel Programs with Futures: Why Parallel Tasks Should Not Wait for Strangers
  • Skip Blocks: Reusing Execution History to Accelerate Web Scripts
  • Instrumentation Bias for Dynamic Data Race Detection
  • A Volatile-by-Default JVM for Server Applications


  • Probabilistic Model Checking of Perturbed MDPs with Applications to Cloud Computing
  • Thread-Modular Static Analysis for Relaxed Memory Models
  • AtexRace: Across Thread and Execution Sampling for In-House Race Detection
  • A fast causal profiler for task parallel programs
  • Reproducing Concurrency Failures from Crash Stacks
  • Craig vs. Newton in Software Model Checking
  • Automatic Generation of Inter-Component Communication Exploits for Android Applications
  • DESCRY: Reproducing System-Level Concurrency Failures


  • Bringing the Web up to Speed with WebAssembly



  • Shadow Attacks Based on Password Reuses: A Quantitative Empirical Analysis


  • Type Regression Testing to Detect Breaking Changes in Node.js Libraries


  • Game of Missuggestions: Semantic Analysis of Search-Autocomplete Manipulations
  • JavaScript Zero: Real JavaScript and Zero Side-Channel Attacks
  • Riding out DOMsday: Towards Detecting and Preventing DOM Cross-Site Scripting
  • SYNODE: Understanding and Automatically Preventing Injection Attacks on NODE.JS


  • On Accelerating Source Code Analysis at Massive Scale
  • Metamorphic Testing of RESTful Web APIs
  • A Survey of Recent Trends in Testing Concurrent Software Systems
  • Reviving Sequential Program Birthmarking for Multithreaded Software Plagiarism Detection

USENIX Security

  • O Single Sign-Off, Where Art Thou? An Empirical Analysis of Single Sign-On Account Hijacking and Session Management on the Web
  • Fp-Scanner: The Privacy Implications of Browser Fingerprint Inconsistencies
  • Freezing the Web: A Study of ReDoS Vulnerabilities in JavaScript-based Web Servers
  • WPSE: Fortifying Web Protocols via Browser-Side Security Monitoring
  • A Sense of Time for JavaScript and Node.js: First-Class Timeouts as a Cure for Event Handler Poisoning
  • Rampart: Protecting Web Applications from CPU-Exhaustion Denial-of-Service Attacks
  • An Empirical Study of Web Resource Manipulation in Real-world Mobile Applications
  • Who Left Open the Cookie Jar? A Comprehensive Evaluation of Third-Party Cookie Policies
  • NAVEX: Precise and Scalable Exploit Generation for Dynamic Web Applications


  • MineSweeper: An In-depth Look into Drive-by Cryptocurrency Mining and Its Defense
  • How You Get Bullets in Your Back: A Systematical Study about Cryptojacking in Real-world
  • Pride and Prejudice in Progressive Web Apps: Abusing Native App-like Features in Web Applications
  • Clock Around the Clock: Time-Based Device Fingerprinting
  • Predicting Impending Exposure to Malicious Content from User Behavior
  • Mystique: Uncovering Information Leakage from Browser Extensions
  • Web’s Sixth Sense: A Study of Scripts Accessing Smartphone Sensors


  • Plausible Deniability in Web Search - From Detection to Assessment


  • Static Detection of Event-based Races in Android Apps
  • Unconventional Parallelization of Nondeterministic Applications
  • DATS – Refactoring Access Control Out of Web Applications


  • Noria: dynamic, partially-stateful data-flow for high-performance web applications
  • Floem: A Programming System for NIC-Accelerated Network Applications
  • Orca: Differential Bug Localization in Large-Scale Services
  • Fault-Tolerance, Fast and Slow: Exploiting Failure Asynchrony in Distributed Systems
  • An Analysis of Network-Partitioning Failures in Cloud Systems


  • Study and Mitigation of Origin Stripping Vulnerabilities in Hybrid-postMessage Enabled Mobile Applications
  • Mobile Application Web API Reconnaissance: Web-to-Mobile Inconsistencies & Vulnerabilities
  • Enumerating Active IPv6 Hosts for Large-scale Security Scans via DNSSEC-signed Reverse Zones
  • FP-STALKER: Tracking Browser Fingerprint Evolutions Along Time
  • A Formal Treatment of Accountable Proxying over TLS
  • Tracking Certificate Misissuance in the Wild


  • How not to structure your database-backed web applications: a study of performance bugs in the wild
  • Automated Repair of Mobile Friendly Problems in Web Pages
  • Prioritizing Browser Environments for Web Application Test Execution


  • Compositional Programming and Testing of Dynamic Distributed Systems
  • Sound deadlock prediction
  • Every Data Structure Deserves Lock-Free Memory Reclamation
  • Randomized Testing of Distributed Systems with Probabilistic Guarantees
  • Parallelization of Dynamic Languages: Synchronizing Built-in Collections
  • What Happens-After the First Race? Enhancing the Predictive Power of Happens-Before Based Dynamic Race Detection
  • RacerD: Compositional Static Race Detection


  • An empirical study on crash recovery bugs in large-scale distributed systems
  • Testing Multithreaded Programs via Thread Speed Control


  • CUBA: Interprocedural Context-UnBounded Analysis of Concurrent Programs
  • Verifying That Web Pages Have Accessible Layout
  • iReplayer: In-situ and Identical Record-and-Replay for Multithreaded Applications
  • BLeak: Automatically Debugging Memory Leaks in Web Applications
  • Putting in All the Stops: Execution Control for JavaScript
  • Systematic Black-Box Analysis of Collaborative Web Applications



  • Sensor-Based Mobile Web Cross-Site Input Inference Attacks and Defenses