Mobile App Coding Challenge


Your challenge is to create a simple mobile app that calls an API with user input & displays the results.


You can use any API you're familiar with that has a search feature & returns data. If you don't have an API, use this news API, which will return news articles based on search text. See full documentation here at

You can either sign up for your own API key, or use c069630adc5c4fd893156917b7da614d

Mobile App

We use React here at Paid, ideally the solution should use React Native.

The app should:

  • Display search box(s)
  • Call the API on a button or key press (decide which one has the best UX)
  • display the results so they can be fully read


  1. Your App should call the API & display results
  2. Create a Git repository in either Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket etc. Commit & push as you would normally, we expect to see at least a few separate commits. Please share the url in the submission page
  3. Please use Loom to record a short, 2-5 minutes high-level walk through for your solution covering the following points:
    • Your technology choices
    • Your app design
    • Demonstrate a few operations
    • Any improvements you would like to make

Bonus points

If you finish within the time limit, feel free to address one or more of these items:

  • Elegantly handle errors
  • Improve the styling of the app
  • Improve the usability of the app
  • Store the history of searches