Hypixel SkyBlock Weight Calculator
Written without any external libraries other than aiohttp
which is used to fetch data from the Hypixel API.
This requires a Hypixel API key. You may obtain one by logging onto hypixel.net
with your Minecraft client and typing
/api new.
from senitherweight import SenitherWeight
import asyncio
senither = SenitherWeight("API-KEY-HERE")
async def main():
# using a UUID
print(await senither.get_weight("e710ff36fe334c0e8401bda9d24fa121"))
# using a username
print(await senither.get_weight_from_name("timnoot"))
# functions for if you wish to see a certain profile instead of the most recently used profile
print(await senither.get_weight_from_name("MooshiMochi", "Orange"))
print(await senither.get_weight("0ce87d5afa5f4619ae78872d9c5e07fe", "Mango"))
# get raw weight from raw data, read the JSDoc for more information
# this does not return the uuid and username fields but it does not make any requests
'mining': 183102234.88907138, 'foraging': 61906511.969001345, 'enchanting': 508444404.0935615,
'farming': 136267563.7507943, 'combat': 418778146.1766783, 'fishing': 110893816.12596695,
'alchemy': 112877401.723031, 'taming': 488698175.13185537
'healer': {'experience': 129196634.63940006},
'mage': {'experience': 156073711.0390862},
'berserk': {'experience': 304167530.58791596},
'archer': {'experience': 235720208.66076514},
'tank': {'experience': 192383702.58436698}
'zombie': {'xp': 2115212},
'spider': {'xp': 1913691},
'wolf': {'xp': 1200006},
'enderman': {'xp': 1000500},
'blaze': {'xp': 255}
Example output of one of the functions, in JSON:
"total": 5902.302984602829,
"skill_weight": 3013.6795988302724,
"dungeon_weight": 2357.485394537336,
"slayer_weight": 531.1379912352199