
Low Level Linear Algebra Library for OpenCL

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Low Level Linear Algebra Library for OpenCL


  • simple low level linear algebra api
  • implement an synchron api (copy data to device, math operation, copy result to host and delete data on device)
  • todo: implement asynchron api, run multiple math operation without always copying data to/from the device
  • library may be useful as alternative backend for pure rust alebra libraries


From [examples/simple.rs]:

extern crate ocl_algebra;

use ocl_algebra::*;

func main() {
    // init library
    let mut c = new();
    // init some matrices
    let m0 = Matrix{rows: 2, cols: 2, data: vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]};
    let m1 = Matrix{rows: 2, cols: 1, data: vec![4.0, 5.0]};
    /* matrix multiplication
       [1 2] * [4] = [14]
       [3 4]   [5]   [32] */
    let m = c.mul_matrix_matrix(&m0,&m1);
    /* matrix scalar multiplication 
       [1 2] * 1.5 = [1.5 3]
       [3 4]         [4.5 6]*/
    let m = c.mul_matrix_scalar(&m0,1.5);



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