
tool to analyze performance of Raku programs running on moarvm

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rakudo Profiler Front-End

Moarperf is a tool that takes the output of the Rakudo Perl 6 profilers available on MoarVM and makes them viewable with a web browser.

Depending on whether you pass an "instrumented profiler" file (.sql) or a "heap snapshot file" (.mvmheap), you will get one or the other profiler frontend.

Running your perl6 program with --profile=foo.sql or --profile=bar.mvmheap will generate a file for you. Additionally, the Telemetry module that comes with Rakudo offers a snap sub that takes a :heap argument that lets you create heap snapshots at specific points in your program, rather than whenever the GC runs.

Installing the Front-end


There is a version of moarperf for linux that is packaged as an AppImage, which is a single file that can be executed directly. It contains a full rakudo of its own and does not require any kind of installation. You can find it on the "releases" page of the moarperf repo.

Traditional Installation

The Perl 6/Raku part of the program has some dependencies that can be installed with zef. The command to do that is zef install --depsonly . - but if you want it a bit faster, you can --/tests to skip testing modules before installation.

The javascript portion of the program has - like any javascript application seems to, nowadays - a boatload of dependencies. That's why there's pre-built packages up on github that have the javascript portion already "compiled". You can find them on the "releases" page of the moarperf repo

Building the front-end javascript code from source

Start with a clone of the repository. There should be a frontend folder with a package.json file, which is what npm and friends work with. Change into the frontend folder and run npm install ., which will download a whole lot of javascript packages. There are often some errors or warnings, but they can mostly be ignored.

Finally, compile the frontend code with the command npm run build. After it outputs a colorful list of files with file sizes and such, but it's not exiting, the webpack.config.js may still have watch: true turned on, in which case the build script will keep running and check for changes you make to the source files to immediately recompile.

Running the front-end

After installing the perl6/raku dependencies and either extracting the release tarball, or building the javascript code from source, you can run perl6 -I . service.p6 in the root folder to start the program. That is where META6.json lives. By default it will offer a web interface on http://localhost:20000, but environment variables MOARPERF_HOST and MOARPERF_PORT can be used to change that. Passing a filename, either a .sql, a .sqlite3, or a .mvmheap file, will immediately load the data in question.

More info

My blog on https://wakelift.de has a couple of posts that explain aspects of the program.

The program's development is funded by a grant from The Perl Foundation.