
A Drupal 7 and 8 theme with almost no assumptions, just that you use SASS and want more.

Primary LanguageCSS

* Bare

Bare is a subtheme skeleton for Drupal. The purpose of this theme is to be simpilfied down to Stark,
but provide a solid starting point for advanced theming without making large assumptions.

The subtheme provides a heirarchal SCSS partial structure that includes inheritance of defined variables such as h1-h6 sizes, gray colors, font bases, etc.

To use this theme:

1) Copy the bare_subtheme folder into sites/all/themes or your respective theme directory.
2) Rename the theme folder to your theme name of choice [ex: awesome_bareness]
3) Rename the .info.yml file to the same name as your folder. [ex: awesome_bareness.info.yml]
4) Theme away and start rejoicing at all the options you have.