FacetAPI Exposed filters is a module meant to help bridge the gap between views exposed filters and FacetAPI Blocks. The goal of the module is to provide a simple way to acheive the FacetAPI Blocks in the exposed form widgets. This happens by altering the rendering process of the Exposed form to happen after the view is fully process so that the Facet Blocks are aware of the search.


This module requires facetapi to function.



  • Configuration is on a per view basis. To configure, change the "Exposed form style" under advanced to "FacetAPI Exposed Filters". In this modal, you should be able to see your active facet blocks to select from them as checkboxes. Select the ones you would like to show and then hit save.
  • If you need to do editting to the exposed form and the weights of the elements shown, that can be accomplished by selecting "Send the form as a render array". This will send the form as a render array that can be altered/preprocessed in a module or template.php using the proper hook_alter or template_preprocess.


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