The script is based on the original css syntax file, and support for CSS3 syntax highlighting. This script include many of CSS3 Property,Attribute and Selector, and the prefix " -moz-,-webkit- ,-o-,-ms- " support, and complete the At-rule groups, see the link. Also, it support the beautify CSS feature, you can use it to by the :CSSBeautify command.
As a optional, "css_default_sync" argument can be used for switch the syntax synchronization settings. By default, to use "syn sync minlines=2000" as setting of synchronization. If you have a slow machine, so, you can use the following option(to use "syn sync maxlines=200"):
let g:css_default_sync == 1
/* Original */
body{ width:680px ;
box-shadow: -1px 1px 3px #DDD;
padding: 10px
.class #id{border-radius:0px!important;}
/* After the command execution */
body {
width: 680px ;
background-color: #FFF ;
box-shadow: -1px 1px 3px #DDD ;
padding: 10px ;
a:nth-of-type(2n) {
background-color: #FFF !important;
.class #id {
border-radius: 0px !important;