CS10 OS X Software Installs#

##1) Install Developer Tools + Command Line Tools:##

###on Lion (10.7.x) or MountainLion (10.8.x):###

  1. Download and install Xcode via the App Store: xcode
  2. Open the Xcode app (/Applications/Xcode.app)
  3. Go to Preferences: image
  4. Make sure Command Line Tools are installed: image
  5. Download and install Xquartz (optional on 10.6 or 10.7 but required on 10.8)

###on Snow Leopard (ideally you should upgrade to 10.7+ but this will work):###

  1. Download and Install: xcode_4.2_for_snow_leopard.dmg

##2) Install Homebrew and OpenCV## ###Automatic Installation Method:### I have a script that will attempt to install everything for you. There are two versions, one version that compiles everything from scratch and another that downloads prebuilt versions. If you want to try the automatic method try the first one first and if that fails try the second.

  • Automatic compilation: Just open Terminal and paste in: bash <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/timofei7/cs10-installs/master/go) and follow the prompts.
  • Backup prebuilt alternative: Just open Terminal and paste in: bash <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/timofei7/cs10-installs/master/go.prepacked) and follow the prompts.

###Manual Installation Method Alternative:###

####1) Install Homebrew and Dependencies####

  1. open the builtin Terminal app in /Applications (or if you like customization use iTerm2)
  2. backup older/conflicting libraries:
    1. copy/paste into Terminal: sudo mv /opt/local /opt/local.before_CS10
    2. copy/paste into Terminal: sudo mv /usr/local /usr/local.before_CS10
    3. copy/paste into Terminal: sudo mv /sw /sw.before_CS10
  3. Install Homebrew which is a handy opensource sofware manager by just copy/pasting the following into Terminal: ruby <(curl -fsSkL raw.github.com/mxcl/homebrew/go)
  4. Make sure it installed correctly: brew doctor
  5. It should say: "Your system is raring to brew" if not email any errors you encountered to your TAs

#####2) Install OpenCV and dependencies#####

  1. Run: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/share/python:$PATH
  2. Run: brew install python
  3. Run: /usr/local/share/python/pip -q install numpy
  4. Run: brew install libpng opencv
  5. This last step will take a while but notice that you can use brew to install all sorts of cool opensource software really easily!

##3) Configure eclipse project for JavaCV##

  1. Download JavaCV, unzip, put it into some folder that you can remember.
  2. Start eclipse and open your java project
  3. Navigate to Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries and click "Add External JARs...".
  4. Locate the JAR files, select them, and click OK.


  1. An alternative to step 1 would be to only install command line tools rather than all of xcode. You may want Xcode if you ever want to write iOS apps, otherwise you can just download and install these: