timofeymukha's Followers
- ansabsindhu10
- cibanezu
- coolclw
- diogoloureiromartinho
- drhcelik
- EGajettiPolitecnico di Torino
- EhsanGLBSharif University of Technology
- eust-w@ZStackio
- fedebenelliIPQA - CONICET
- FracturistTsinghua University
- Ganeshkumar-VIndian Institute of Technology - Gandhinagar
- GongZheng-JustinTsinghua University
- greoleScientific Computing Centre, KIT
- HamedhoorijaniLaboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT)
- imranrasheed358
- iskander190900
- jakobhaervigAssociate Professor, Aalborg University
- kmissiosRUC
- LMNS3dThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- mahgadallaWärtsilä Finland Oy
- Matrixphy
- maxreiss123
- mkraposhin
- nscapinPrinceton University
- peravali0812DESY
- salehisaeed
- spirit-x64Makkah - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- tahamostafavi
- tariqridwanUniversitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC · BarcelonaTECH)
- thw1021
- vinodthaleXian
- vishalsacharya
- Worth-OptionUniversity of Naples Federico II
- ZelongYuanSouthern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)
- zhangzhg0508@果果