A Python package and CLI tool to work with w1 temperature sensors like DS1822, DS18S20 & DS18B20 on the Raspberry Pi, Beagle Bone and other devices.
- ababilone
- bluntmonkey
- bsimmoUK
- cautiousCentaur
- cdawson717
- daesungkang
- david-foo
- davidmr001
- disquisitionerDisquiry LLC
- emddommentorITe
- ferhatcicekTurkey
- frbayartMons, Belgium
- GreenStreamLLC
- holzheu@BayCEER
- itsonlym3US
- iZhangHuiAirmind
- jamesmyattCapgemini Engineering
- jhcloos
- jlaustillLivelyme.com
- jsavage
- kyletidball
- maheraudee
- martyfoul
- mgiacoAustria
- mohdiqbalradzuan
- patsySEB
- paul-bratcher
- rickdroioBrazil
- ropolik
- samatary
- sandhan26Guwahati, Assam, India
- simaraLima
- timofurrer@gitlabhq
- tkertesz
- ultima-originem
- WilliamRenDaLian, LiaoNing, China