
Simple demo to showcase Azure Container Apps

Primary LanguageBicep

Azure Container Apps Demo


Simple demo to showcase Azure Container Apps


In order to run the demo you need to have the following tools installed:

Make sure that you have the latest version of the Azure CLI installed:

az --version

Make sure you are logged in to your Azure subscription:

az login

Getting Started


# Create Resource Group
az group create --name $RG_NAME --location westeurope
# Deploy Bicep template
az deployment group create -n az-container-apps-demo --resource-group $RG_NAME --template-file main.bicep
# Setup private DNS Zone
ACA_ENV_FQDN=$(az containerapp env list -g $RG_NAME --query "[0].properties.defaultDomain" -o tsv)
VNET=$(az network vnet list -g $RG_NAME --query "[0].name" -o tsv)
az network private-dns zone create -g $RG_NAME -n $ACA_ENV_FQDN
az network private-dns link vnet create -g $RG_NAME -n "aca-dns-link" -z $ACA_ENV_FQDN -v $VNET -e true

Cleanup Resource Group

az group delete --name rg-container-apps-demo-001 --yes