
The server side for now-logs https://logs.now.sh

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The server side for now-logs.

Public server

All now-logs streams are tunneled through the public now-logs-server hosted at logs.now.sh.

You can inspect the public server's code here: https://logs.now.sh/_src

Private server

While the public server keeps your logs completely private, you can ensure extra privacy and uptime by running your own private now-logs-server.

Step 1: Clone this repository

Step 2: Deploy:

now --alias my-private-server.now.sh

Step 3: Update your code to use the private server:

  secret: '<secret-key>',
  url: 'my-private-server.now.sh'

Step 4: See logs with:

now-logs -s my-private-server.now.sh <secret-key>

Who made this?

Tal Bereznitskey. Find me on Twitter as @ketacode