
FreeIPA Identity Management server backup.

Primary LanguageShell


This role is taking care of the backups for your FreeIPA servers.


This role requires Ansible 2.6.0 or higher.

You can simply use pip to install (and define) a stable version:

pip install ansible==2.7.9

All platform requirements are listed in the metadata file.

In order to use this role take a look at the dependencies.

Also take a look at the official documentation.


ansible-galaxy install timorunge.freeipa_server_backup

Role Variables

The variables that can be passed to this role and a brief description about them are as follows. (For all variables, take a look at defaults/main.yml)

At this given point in time it's - unfortunately - not possible to set the backup directory. This is a limitation from the ipa-backup command itself (the default location is /var/lib/ipa/backup).

# Defines the maximum age of backups (in days)
# Type: Int
freeipa_server_backup_max_age: 14

# Define the time when a full backup should run
# (this will stop and start the ipa services!)
# Type: Dict
  minute: "{{ 59 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}"
  month: "*"
  weekday: "*"
  hour: 4
  day: "*"
  state: present

# Define the time when a online backup should run
# Type: Dict
  minute: "{{ 59 | random(seed=inventory_hostname) }}"
  month: "*"
  weekday: "*"
  hour: "*"
  day: "*"
  state: present


1) Install the FreeIPA server backup with default settings

- hosts: freeipa-server-backup
    - timorunge.freeipa_server_backup

2) Install the FreeIPA server backup with some custom settings

- hosts: freeipa-server-backup
    freeipa_server_backup_max_age: 7
      day: "*"
      hour: 3
      minute: "11"
      month: "*"
      state: present
      weekday: "*"
      day: "*"
      hour: "*"
      minute: 33
      month: "*"
      state: present
      weekday: "*"
      day: "*"
      hour: 3
      minute: 55
      month: "*"
      state: present
      weekday: "*"
    - timorunge.freeipa_server_backup

3) Install the FreeIPA server backup and move the data to another location (via rsync)

- hosts: freeipa-server-backup
    freeipa_server_backup_mv_location: rsync
      - "-avq"
      - "--ignore-existing"
      - '-e "ssh -i /home/ipa-backups/.ssh/id_rsa"'
    freeipa_server_backup_rsync_dest: ipa-backups@
    - timorunge.freeipa_server_backup


Build Status

Tests are done with Docker and docker_test_runner which brings up the following containers:

  • CentOS 7
  • Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus)
  • Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver)
  • Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)

Ansible 2.7.9 is installed on all containers and is applying a test playbook locally.

For further details and additional checks take a look at the docker_test_runner configuration and the Docker entrypoint.

# Testing locally:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/timorunge/docker-test-runner/master/install.sh | sh
./docker_test_runner.py -f tests/docker_test_runner.yml


This role requires an up and running FreeIPA Server (Github Repo).

If you're using an operating system which is not providing FreeIPA packages directly out of repositories you can use the Ansible role mentioned above.

In this case ensure that you have freeipa_server_backup_install_pkgs set to false (which will disable the complete package installation of this role).


  • Add possibility to encrypt backups (--gpg and --gpg-keyring=GPG_KEYRING)
  • Moving the files to an off-site location (s3, rsync & ssh)


BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License

Author Information

  • Timo Runge