- TAP >=1.3 installation (if you've 1.2 installed, you can have a look at the "tap-1.2" tag)
- ytt
- The default installation of TAP uses a single Contour to provide internet-visible services. You can install a second Contour instance with service type ClusterIP if you want to expose some services to only the local cluster - which is recommended for this setup. The second instance must be installed in a separate namespace. You must set the CNR value
to point to this namespace. - RabbitMQ operator, Tanzu PostreSQL operator, Tanzu Gemfire operator, Tanzu Observability
- Queue Supply Chain (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Tanzu-Application-Platform/1.2/tap/GUID-workloads-queue.html)
export DEV_NAMESPACE=<dev-namespace>
kubectl apply -f tap/ops/scan-policy.yaml -n <dev-namespace>
Create a (private) Git repository with the the files in the generated/config-server-config
directory after running the following ytt commands.
mkdir generated/config-server-config
ytt -f tap/ops/config-server-git-config-templates/gateway.yaml -v namespace=$DEV_NAMESPACE > generated/config-server-config/gateway.yaml
ytt -f tap/ops/config-server-git-config-templates/order-service.yaml -v namespace=$DEV_NAMESPACE > generated/config-server-config/order-service.yaml
cp tap/ops/config-server-git-config-templates/product-service generated/config-server-config/
cp tap/ops/config-server-git-config-templates/shipping-service.yaml generated/config-server-config
kubectl create secret generic configserver-secret --from-literal=git-url=https://github.com/<user>/<config-repo>.git --from-literal=username=<git-username> --from-literal=password=<git-personal-access-token> -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/ops/config-server.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
For a TLS setup:
ytt -f tap/ops/auth-server-template.yaml -v dev_namespace=$DEV_NAMESPACE -v issuer_uri=https://authserver-1-${DEV_NAMESPACE}.example.com -v tls_secret_name=<namespace>/<secret> | kubectl apply -f -
ytt -f tap/ops/auth-server-template.yaml -v dev_namespace=$DEV_NAMESPACE -v issuer_uri=http://authserver-1-${DEV_NAMESPACE}.example.com | kubectl apply -f -
ytt -f tap/ops/observability-template.yaml -v uri=https://vmwareprod.wavefront.com -v api_token=<token> | kubectl apply -n $DEV_NAMESPACE -f -
tanzu secret registry add tanzu-net-registry \
--username <tanzunet-username> --password <tanzunet-pw> \
--server registry.tanzu.vmware.com \
--yes --namespace $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/ops/gemfire.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/ops/postgres.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/ops/rabbit.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/test-pipeline.yaml -f -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
ytt -f tap/auth-client-template.yaml -v gateway_url=https://gateway-${DEV_NAMESPACE}.example.com | kubectl apply -n $DEV_NAMESPACE -f -
kubectl apply -f tap/workload-product-service.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/workload-order-service.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
kubectl apply -f tap/workload-shipping-service.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
sed -i '' "s/https:\/\/authserver-1-dev-space.emea.end2end.link/https:\/\/authserver-1-${DEV_NAMESPACE}.example.com/g" frontend/src/environments/environment.prod.ts
kubectl apply -f tap/workload-frontend.yaml -n $DEV_NAMESPACE
Follow the documentation to learn how to generate and publish TechDocs for catalogs as part of Tanzu Application Platform GUI.
The sample catalog is set up in a way that the same TechDocs can be opened from every related component. To get it working, the same docs have to be pushed to all the related paths of the components in S3, which can be done with the following commands.
npx @techdocs/cli generate --source-dir . --output-dir ./site
array=( Component/gateway Component/order-service Component/product-service Component/frontend Component/shipping-service Resource/authserver-1 Resource/configserver Resource/gemfire-1 Resource/observability Resource/postgres-1 Resource/rmq-1 Location/sc-architecture-location System/sc-architecture-system)
for i in "${array[@]}"
npx @techdocs/cli publish --publisher-type awsS3 --storage-name tap-tech-docs --entity default/$i --directory ./site