Rails Documentation Server Support


  • RVM

  • rvm install 2.0.0-p598 --patch railsexpress -n railsexpress

  • rvm use 2.0.0-p598-railsexpress do gem install bundler -v 1.3.5 --no-rdoc --no-ri

  • rvm use 2.0.0-p598-railsexpress do gem install bundler -v 1.7.7 --no-rdoc --no-ri

  • kindlegen must be in PATH (download))

  • sudo apt-get install imagemagick, for convert, used by the guides generator

  • sudo apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev for Nokogiri, present in some Gemfiles

There is no need to have 2.0.0-p598-railsexpress as default interpreter, the docs generator uses rvm 2.0.0-p598-railsexpress do ... everywhere.

The Ruby and bundler dependencies are not hard, we fix concrete versions because these are known to work. Ruby and bundler versions are configurable per release, so this is forward-compatible, just add new versions if needed and configure their target generator to use them.


Make sure the locale is UTF8, in Linux run locale and see if the values are "en_US.UTF-8" in general. In Ubuntu edit the file /etc/default/locale and put



Just push to master. The cron job in the docs server pulls before invoking the docs generator.

Test Suite

In order to run the test suite you need a recent version of minitest:

  • gem install minitest -N

There are two tasks: The default task, test, tests everything except actual docs generation. The test:all task runs the entire suite including doc generation for a few releases, this one takes about 20 minutes in my laptop.