
Tutorial series i folowed http://catlikecoding.com/unity/tutorials/ (not my tutorials)

Primary LanguageC#

CatLikeCoding - Tutorials

The website where the tutorials are hosted

2.1 Basics

  • Clock
  • Building a Graph
  • Mathematical Sufaces
  • Constructing a Fractal
  • Frames Per Second
  • Object Pools

2.2 Object Management

  • Object Management
  • Object Variety
  • Reusing Objects
  • Multiple Scenes
  • Spawn Zones
  • More Game State
  • Configuring Shapes
  • More Factories
  • Shape Behavior

2.3 Flow

  • Texture Distortion
  • Directional Flow
  • Waves
  • Looking Through Water

2.4 Mesh Basics

  • Procedural Grid
  • Rounded Cube
  • Cube Sphere
  • Mesh Deformation

2.5 Scriptable Render Pipeline

  • Custom Pipeline
  • Custom Shaders
  • Lights
  • Spotlight Shadows

2.6 Rendering

  • Matrices
  • Shader Fundamentals
  • Combining Textures
  • The First Light
  • Multiple Lights
  • Bumpiness
  • Shadows
  • Reflections
  • Complex Materials
  • More Complexity
  • Transparency
  • Semitransparent Shadows
  • Deferred Shading
  • Fog
  • Deferred Lights
  • Static Lighting
  • Mixed Lighting
  • Realtime GI, Probe Volumes, LOD Groups
  • GPU Instancing
  • Parallax

2.7 Advanced Rendering

  • Flat and Wireframe Shading
  • Tessellation
  • Surface Displacement
  • Bloom
  • Depth of Field
  • FXAA
  • Triplanar Mapping

2.8 Hex Map

  • Creating a Hexagonal Grid
  • Blending Cell Colors
  • Elevation and Terraces
  • Irregularity
  • Larger Maps
  • Rivers
  • Roads
  • Water
  • Terrain Features
  • Walls
  • More Features
  • Saving and Loading
  • Managing Maps
  • Terrain Textures
  • Distances
  • Pathfinding
  • Limited Movement
  • Units
  • Animating Movement
  • Fog of War
  • Exploration
  • Advanced Vision
  • Generating Land
  • Regions and Erosion
  • Water Cycle
  • Biomes and Rivers
  • Wrapping

2.9 Noise

  • Noise
  • Noise Derivatives
  • Simplex Noise

2.10 Marching Squares

  • Partitioning Space
  • Sharing and Crossing
  • Staying Sharp
  • Erecting Walls
  • Being Colorful

2.11 Games

  • Swirly Pipe
  • Maze

2.12 Older Tutorials

  • Curves and Splines
  • Runner
  • Octahedron Sphere
  • Custom Data
  • Custom List
  • Star