
This is a small test, that tests out how I could draw some helloworld code on the wii using the GX graphics library.

Primary LanguageC

  1. Install version v1.02 of devkitPro https://github.com/devkitPro/pacman/releases/tag/v1.0.2
  2. Fetch all the new packages sudo dkp-pacman -Sy.
  3. Install the new packages sudo dkp-pacman -Syu.
  4. Install the Wii development tools sudo dkp-pacman -S wii-dev.
  5. open a new terminal and navigate to the root of this repository.
  6. Run make make, this automaticcally calls make build.
  7. A wiigxtest.dol file will now be created. Load this in an emulator such as Dolphin-emu to see the result.