Un singur set de credențiale pentru cetățean. La bază este un identity server ce expune un endpoint Outh2.
- branch from master
- create database sso
- modify \govithub-auth-sso\src\GovITHub.Auth.Identity\appsettings.json to reflect database connection string
- open shell (command promt)
- go to \govithub-auth-sso\src\GovITHub.Auth.Identity
npm install
dotnet ef database update
npm install
dotnet run
- open shell (command promt)
- go to \govithub-auth-sso\src\samples\JavaScriptClient
npm install
dotnet run
[1] Posibil să se schimbe în viitorul apropiat
- React
- [Java SE] (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/overview/index.html)
- Java EE
- [Python] (https://www.python.org/)
- Others :-)
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