- Intended as an
autisticartistic personal replacement for Linktr.ee - This can be thought of as a form of interweb portfolio.
- It is intentionally dated looking, and minimal. I will not be modernizing this to look like
- I won’t provide support for any issues on your machine, as this is a pet project.
- I’m not responsible for any breakage due to my code.
- If you’re unsure, refer to THE LICENSE to see how seriously I take this.
- Use with *caution*
. |-- LICENSE.txt |-- README.org |-- project.clj |-- resources | |-- private | | |-- garden | | | `-- main.edn | | `-- hiccup | | `-- index.edn | `-- public | |-- android-chrome-192x192.png | |-- android-chrome-512x512.png | |-- apple-touch-icon.png | |-- favicon-16x16.png | |-- favicon-32x32.png | |-- favicon.ico | `-- img | |-- ARROWGRUV.GIF | |-- BACKDRP.PNG | |-- GOOBYEGRUV.GIF | `-- SRCERIZDER.PNG `-- src `-- srcerizder_site `-- web.clj
This is my Dependency Declaration, as well as project structure
(defproject srcerizder-site "b1.0"
:description "My Neocity Page"
:url "https://izder456.neocities.org"
:license {:name "WTFPL Version 2 (Modified)"
:url "https://www.wtfpl.net/"}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.3"]
[stasis "2023.06.03"]
[ring "1.10.0"]
[garden "1.3.10"]
[hiccup "2.0.0-RC1"]
[optimus "2023-02-08"]]
:ring {:handler srcerizder-site.web/app}
:aliases {"build-site" ["run" "-m" "srcerizder-site.web/export"]
"clean-site" ["run" "-m" "srcerizder-site.web/clean"]
"run-site" ["ring", "server"]}
:profiles {:dev {:plugins [[lein-ring "0.12.6"]]}})
This has my export Logic, and Macros
Clojure is Java with a lisp, so we need to declare name space and relevant :require
;; Define Namespace & alias for easy use (bleh, boilerplate...)
(ns srcerizder-site.web
(:require [ring.middleware.content-type :refer [wrap-content-type]]
[optimus.assets :as assets]
[optimus.optimizations :as optimizations]
[optimus.prime :as optimus]
[optimus.strategies :refer [serve-live-assets]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.edn :as edn]
[clojure.java.io :as io]
[garden.core :as garden]
[hiccup2.core :as hiccup2]
[stasis.core :as stasis]))
Since my “HTML” and “CSS” are just EDN-Format, I need a way to load that into my export logic
;; Public dir
(def publics "resources/public/")
(def public-styles "resources/public/styles/")
;; Private edn dirs
(def edn-docs "resources/private/hiccup")
(def edn-styles "resources/private/garden")
;; Load in edn files
(defn load-edn [filename]
(edn/read-string (slurp filename)))
- My “HTML” is Hiccup data
- My “CSS” is Garden data
- Both are stored in EDN-Format
;; Convert 1 (one) edn doc to html via argument
(defn convert-to-html [edn-filename]
(let [base-filename (-> edn-filename
(string/replace #"\.edn$" ""))
html-filename (str publics base-filename ".html")
hiccup-data (load-edn edn-filename)
html (hiccup2/html hiccup-data)]
(spit html-filename html)))
;; Recurse over a seq of all (any) edn docs and run (convert-to-html) on them
(defn convert-all-to-html [edn-directory]
(let [edn-files (file-seq (io/file edn-directory))]
(doseq [edn-file edn-files
:when (.endsWith
(.getName edn-file) ".edn")]
(convert-to-html edn-file))))
;; Convert 1 (one) edn doc to html via argument
(defn convert-to-css [edn-stylename]
(let [base-filename (-> edn-stylename
(string/replace #"\.edn$" ""))
css-filename (str public-styles base-filename ".css")
garden-data (load-edn edn-stylename)
css (garden/css garden-data)]
(spit css-filename css)))
;; Recurse over a seq of all (any) edn docs and run (convert-to-css) on them
(defn convert-all-to-css [edn-directory]
(let [edn-styles (file-seq (io/file edn-directory))]
(doseq [edn-style edn-styles
:when (.endsWith
(.getName edn-style) ".edn")]
(convert-to-css edn-style))))
I need to ensure that the export dir exists, so if not, we need a way to make it.
- This function does this
;; Ensure Dir is there, otherwise make it!
(defn ensure-dir [path]
(let [dir (io/file path)]
(when-not (.exists dir)
(.mkdirs dir))))
- I need to
that the dirs exist where they need to be - then, i need to pull the pages and slurp them into stasis
;; Render hiccup and garden edn maps
(defn final-render []
(ensure-dir publics)
(ensure-dir public-styles)
(convert-all-to-html edn-docs)
(convert-all-to-css edn-styles))
;; Get page data ready
(defn get-pages []
{:public (stasis/slurp-directory "resources/public" #".*\.(html|css|png|ico|webmanifest)$")}))
;; Pull assets for images and styles
(defn get-assets []
(assets/load-assets "public" [#"/styles/.*" #"/img/.*\.(PNG|GIF|JPG|JPEG|BMP)"]))
- I need a way to safely
cleandelete files, making sure i don’t do arm -rvf
on something I probably forgot about
;; Safe Delete
(defn delete-safe [file-path]
(if (.exists (io/file file-path))
(io/delete-file file-path)
(catch Exception e (str "Exception caught: " (.getMessage e))))
;; Recursive delete
(defn delete-dir [dir-path]
(let [dir-contents (file-seq (io/file dir-path))
del-files (filter #(.isFile %) dir-contents)]
(doseq [file del-files]
(delete-safe (.getPath file)))
(delete-safe dir-path)))
- Define export locations
- Clean export locations
- Finally export my site
;; Define export location
(def export-dir "./dist")
(def export-style-dir "./dist/styles")
;; Clean target
(defn clean []
(delete-dir export-dir)
(delete-dir export-style-dir)
(delete-dir (str publics [#"\.html$"]))
(delete-dir public-styles))
;; Export Target
(defn export []
(ensure-dir export-dir)
(ensure-dir export-style-dir)
(let [assets (optimizations/all (get-assets) {})]
(stasis/empty-directory! export-dir)
(optimus.export/save-assets assets export-dir)
(stasis/export-pages (get-pages) export-dir {:optimus-assets assets})))
- for testing
;; Serve for debugging with ring
(def app (-> (stasis/serve-pages get-pages)
(optimus/wrap get-assets optimizations/all serve-live-assets)