#Application Details and Features
We need a witty application name for our app that runs on Azure. Perhaps... wittyapplicationonazure.com
Sign up
- Twitter API
- you reserve your DNS name
Upload an image
- save as blob
- "ingest" batch: oxford analysis
- automatically creates tags for images
- create a tag for each category
- partition key = user name
- row key = category
- contents = all URLs in the user's category
[ {url:"", thumbnail:""}, {url:"", thumbnail:""}, ]
- add the image to each category
- each image thumbnailed
- Introduction (30 min)
- S Application and architecture walk-through (1 hour)
- J DNS (1 hour)
- S Batch (1 hour)
- J Azure storage (1 hour)
- S Elastic search (1 hour)
- J Autoscale (1 hour)
- Review and Summary, possibly questions? (45 min)