
Kirby's default theme is the easiest way to get started with Kirby.

Primary LanguageCSS

Kirby Starterkit

Kirby's default theme is the easiest way to get started with Kirby. You get a beautiful little site with three projects and a pre-configured panel.


Kirby 2 and the starterkit are still in beta. Please note that this version is not yet built for production. It's a developer preview. We cannot give support for the beta or sell licenses for it. Please purchase a Kirby 1 license and use Kirby 1's source code while Kirby 2 is still in development. There will be a free upgrade once Kirby 2 has launched.


git clone --recursive https://github.com/getkirby/starterkit.git


Please report any issues with Kirby here: https://github.com/getkirby/kirby/issues and any issues with the panel here: https://github.com/getkirby/panel/issues