- 3
Nova 4 Support: We get the following incompatible interface implementation error
#20 opened by hasnat-we - 3
Cannot copy hex color into field in Nova 4
#17 opened by ValCanBuild - 1
Allow empty values
#18 opened by Quantiversal - 2
- 7
RGBA value instead HEX for some cases
#8 opened by hasnatbabur - 2
onClick appearance
#9 opened by vwasteels - 2
Help text is not displayed
#14 opened by Jamesking56 - 0
Placeholder Support?
#11 opened by ahinkle - 1
Default Colors in compact
#7 opened by muckypuddle-nick - 1
[suggestion] Add the require instructions
#3 opened by downtest - 2
Getting errors when using
#1 opened by Cannonb4ll