
This project attempts to analyse and evaluate policy algorithms within the Lunar Lander environment.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Algorithms in this project were implemented with help from Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction by Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto

Lunar Lander

Action Space

The lunar lander has two types of action spaces, discrete and continuous.

Discrete $A$

action description
$a_0$ Do nothing
$a_1$ Fire left engine
$a_2$ Fire main engine
$a_3$ Fire right engine

State Space

state description
$s_0$ x-axis coord of agent
$s_1$ y-axis coord of agent
$s_2$ x-axis linear velocity
$s_3$ y-axis linear velocity
$s_4$ Agent's angle
$s_5$ Agent's angular velocity
$s_6$ Right leg touched ground
$s_7$ Left leg touched ground


An episode is considered a solution if it scores at least 200 points.

points condition
+/- Agent's distance to landing pad
+/- Agent's speed

| - | Agent's tilt (angle not horizontal) | | +10 | For each leg that contacts ground | | -0.03 | For each frame that a side engine fires | | -0.3 | For each frame that main engine fires | | +/- 100 | For crashing/landing safely |

Episode Termination

  1. Lander crashes
  2. Lander exits viewport (x-coord is gt 1)
  3. Lander is not awake