
simple set up showing how to highlight a menu item with javascript

Primary LanguageCSS


Basic example website to show how to highlight menu items with basic Javascript, where menu items are PHP includes.


.htaccess runs a clean url rewrite

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^about$ ?page=about  [L]
RewriteRule ^web$ ?page=web  [L]
RewriteRule ^art$ ?page=art  [L]
RewriteRule ^other$ ?page=other  [L]

index.php runs a switch function

<?php switch ( $_GET['page'] ) {

case 'about':
include ('one.php') ;

case 'web':
include ('two.php') ;

case 'art':
include ('three.php');

case 'other':
include ('four.php');


menu.js parses the url and getElementbyId the a tag to add rewrite:

Method 1 rewrites innerHTML with u tags.

Method 2 changes the css class

var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split('/');

// if this repo was installed to a localhost dev directory so
// that the url was localhost/dev/menu-highlight ...

// in this case url is localhost/dev/menu-highlight/x
// where x = a menu item like art, other, about
// array[0] = localhost
// array[1] = dev
// array[2] = menu-highlight
// array[3] = x

// if path = x then underline menu item
// menu items are <li id="a"> etc
// getElementByID and rewrite innerHTML with underline tags

if (pathArray[3] == 'about') 
	document.getElementById('a').innerHTML = '<u>About</u>';


if (pathArray[3] == 'about') 	{document.getElementById('a').className = "on";}
if (pathArray[3] == "web")  	{document.getElementById('b').className = "on";}
if (pathArray[3] == "other")	{document.getElementById('c').className = "on";}

// where the a tags are written like 

//<a id="a" class="off" href="about">about</a>