
Ruby one-file Web server

Primary LanguageRuby

web-oneshot is a one-use Web server; it serves one file one time. To use:

./wos.rb myfile

Inspired by osws and woof, wos is meant to solve the problem of (network-savvy) users needing to quickly share single files without much infrastructure. wos adheres to the following principles:

  • Actually serve the file. wos will stay active as long as it can until it transmits the file in question or is killed. This means wos stays active through failed authentications, bad requests, etc.
  • Be dumb. wos doesn't care about buffering, or Digest authentication, or anything fancy - it serves a file as quickly and straightforwardly as possible.


wos has support for a few basic features, including:

  • Set an auth username with -U and a password with -P. Each can be required individually from the other (e.g. require a particular user, no matter the password, or require a password for any user).
  • Listen on a different port with -p.
  • Log verbosely with -v.
  • Replicate itself (i.e. serve wos.rb) with -s.