
Tinder..but for restaurants

Primary LanguageHTML

Dine or Dash


Project Description

Full stack application that allows users to "swipe" on restaurants based on either city input or by selecting to search near their location. Restaurants populate with a clickable card that transitions into a selection of images for each restaurant along with reviews that are all certified through Yelp. After "liking" a restaurant, the user can get more information on it and then choose to publish their own custom review through this application for other users to see as they come across the same restaurant while browsing. Users can favorite or remove a restaurant from the "liked" page. Deleted restaurants are removed, and favorited restaurants are added to the "favorites" page.

Table of Contents

Application Example

Technologies Used

JavaScript, jQuery, Node.JS, CSS3, HTML5, GitHUB, Heroku, MySql, Passport.js, Yelp API, Sequelize, Jaws_DB, CoffeeScript, Geolocation (Google Maps API), SemanticUI, Bootstrap, ESLint


rwilliamsIII timothymickiewicz iean-hennig Loki-Malone
