
Helper tasks to aid the packaging of JS dependencies for Clojurescript projects

Primary LanguageClojure



[cljsjs/boot-cljsjs "0.5.0"] ;; latest release

This project provides tasks for the boot build system to package Javascript dependencies in Clojurescript projects.

Using libraries

Please refer to the packages project for documentation.

Packaging a library

There are various tasks in the cljsjs.boot-cljsjs.packaging namespace to smooth packaging of libraries:

  • download can be used to download zip files containing the files you want to package
  • sift, which is a regular Boot task, can be used to move files to the desired locations and filter out files you don't want to end up in the jar
  • deps-cljs creates a deps.cljs file based on the information in the fileset

Full example:

(deftask package []
    (download :url "https://github.com/facebook/react/releases/download/v0.12.2/react-0.12.2.zip"
              :checksum "6a242238790b21729a88c26145eca6b9"
              :unzip true)
    (sift :move {#"^react-.*/build/react.js" "cljsjs/development/react.inc.js"
                 #"^react-.*/build/react.min.js" "cljsjs/production/react.min.inc.js"})
    (sift :include #{#"^cljsjs"})
    (deps-cljs :name "cljsjs.react")))

;; This would then be used like this:
;; boot package build-jar


Copyright © 2014 Martin Klepsch and Juho Teperi

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.