
Refreshes and reruns clojure.tests in your project.

Primary LanguageClojure


Leiningen plug-in for automatically running clojure.test tests whenever your Clojure project's source changes.


Here is what using it looks like.

$ lein test-refresh
*************** Running tests ***************

(standard clojure.test output)

Failed 1 of 215 assertions
Finished at 08:25:20.619 (run time: 9.691s)

Your terminal will just stay like that. Fairly often lein-test-refresh polls the file system to see if anything has changed. When there is a change your code is tested again.

If you want to receive notifications using growl then run lein test-refresh :growl. This has been tested with modern versions of Growl for OS X, Linux, and Windows.

If you want to receive notifications using some other notification program then you can add :test-refresh {:notify-command ["command" "arg1"]} to your project.clj file. lein-test-refresh will pass a short message to the command specified indicating success or failure. There is a sample project.clj file which specifies this feature.

lein-test-refresh also will run your tests if you hit the enter key.

Latest version & Change log

The latest version is the highest non-snapshot version found in CHANGES.md.

Leiningen 2.0

Add whatever is shown above to your to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj. An example using version 0.4.1 is shown below.

{:user {:plugins [[com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.4.1"]]}}

Alternatively add to your :plugins vector in your project.clj file.

(defproject sample
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.5.1"]]
  :profiles {:dev {:plugins [[com.jakemccrary/lein-test-refresh "0.4.1"]]}})

Leiningen 1.0

This project has not been tested with versions of Leiningen 1. This project is heavily based of lein-autoexpect which has been tested against Leiningen 1. I would expect this project to work as well but I'm not going to bother testing it nor do I plan on supporting it.


lein-test-refresh has been tested to work with Clojure 1.5.1 and Leiningen 2.3.[24].

Because of tools.namespace changes lein-test-refresh requires that your project use Clojure >= 1.3.0. If your project also depends on a version of tools.namespace < 0.2.1 you may see occasional exceptions.


Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Jake McCrary

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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