
Annotate Clojure functions with examples that show in docstrings and tests

Primary LanguageClojure

Terisk **

an asterisk

Annotate functions with examples that are tested and appended to docstrings.

** Terisk is short for asterisk; a common way to annotate.


Clojars Project

(ns my.code (:require [terisk.macros :refer [**]]))
(defn foo
  "this is a docstr"
  (inc x))
(** (foo 2) 1)


(** (foo 2) 1)
(** (foo 3) 2)

Calls to ** mutate var metadata, so the above will only create 1 example, the last one.


(** (foo 2) 1
    (foo 3) 2)

Multiple examples can be created by including more example/expected pairs.

If you'd like to verify that the docstring is altered, and test was created:

  (require ['clojure.repl :refer :all])
  (doc foo)
  (require ['clojure.test :refer :all])

Or just leave it to your normal test suite and docgen processes.



I want testable examples as part of my documentation. Rich comment blocks don't get tested or included in documentation.


  • Examples appear in the documentation
  • Examples are tested


Follow the approach of spec and typed clojure by annotating. Make use of var mutability to update docstring and test.

Vars can be annotated with the ** macro which adds a documented test case.

If you'd like to separate your example/expected clauses, consider using a reader-ignored symbol: #_=>

(** (foo 1)
    #_=> 2
    (foo 2)
    #_=> 3)


(** example expected) is synonymous with (is (= example expected)), and therefore does not express conditions such as "throws an exception".


Replacement defn macro with new options

Doesn't work well with existing tools as it introduces new syntax.

Inline test

(defn ^{:test (fn []
                (is (= 1 (f 0))))}
  foo [x]
  (inc x))

Do not get included in documentation. Worth solving that separately. The test syntax is distracting.

clojure.test and deftest

(deftest foo-test (is (= 1 (f 0))))

Tests are great, but often users benefit from having small examples closer to hand.

Rich comment tests

Do not get added to documentation. These projects prioritize testing over examples. Perhaps it would be desirable to use examples and tests macros to distinguish between them?