
API for scheduling emails

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A MailScheduler API which was used for a customers project, exposes an API which can be addressed to schedule emails at date and time (ISO 8601). It uses node-schedule and nodemailer for scheduling the mail.


To deploy this project run

  npm start

Copy the .env.example to .env with

  cp .env.example .env

and fill the necessary information.

It is highly recommended to run this with SSL/TLS, as you transfer sensitive information.

API Reference

Schedule email at provided date

  POST /schedule
Body parameter Type Description
secret string Required (if USE_SECRET is enabled in .env, recommended if you use MAIL_URL from config)
date string Date in ISO 8601
mail_url string Mail URL to use for sending the email (Optional). If not provided, MAIL_URL from .env is used.
email_to string Recipient email address
email_from string Sender email address
subject string Subject of email
cc string CC (optional)
bcc string BCC (optional)
email_body string Email body

Example mail_url: smtp://EXAMPLE_USER:EXAMPLE_PASSWORD@in-v3.mailjet.com