IGHTMLQuery is a lightweight XML/HTML parser for iOS, built on top of libxml. It is inspired by jQuery and nokogiri. Consider following snippets:
IGXMLDocument* node = [[IGXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:catelogXml error:nil];
NSString* title = [[[node queryWithXPath:@"//cd/title"] firstObject] text];
[[node queryWithXPath:@"//title"] enumerateNodesUsingBlock:^(IGXMLNode *title, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"title = %@", title.text);
// or use CSS Selector
[[node queryWithCSS:@"title"] enumerateNodesUsingBlock:^(IGXMLNode *title, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
NSLog(@"title = %@", title.text);
// quick manipulation
[[node queryWithXPath:@"//title"] appendWithXMLString:@"<message>Hi!</message>"];
- Use XPath and CSS Selector for document searching.
- jQuery style chainable syntax.
- XML traversal and manipulation.
IGHTMLQuery is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "IGHTMLQuery", "~> 0.7.1"
- Add all the source files in
to your Xcoe project - In "Build Phases" > "Link Binary With Libraries, add
. - In "Build Setting", find "Header Search Paths" and add "$(SDK_DIR)/usr/include/libxml2"
For each files using IGHTMLQuery, import IGHTMLQuery.h
#import 'IGHTMLQuery.h'
Create a XML document:
IGXMLDocument* node = [[IGXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:xml error:nil];
Create a HTML document:
IGHTMLDocument* node = [[IGHTMLDocument alloc] initWithHTMLString:html error:nil];
Use parent
, nextSibling
, previousSibling
, children
and firstChild
to traverse the document.
You can query the document or any node with queryWithXPath:
or queryWithCSS:
methods. They will always return a IGXMLNodeSet
object, which is a set like object that you can chain query and operations.
IGXMLNodeSet* contents = [doc queryWithXPath:@"//div[@class='content']"];
[contents enumerateNodesUsingBlock:^(IGXMLNode* content, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){
NSLog(@"%@", content.xml);
// use a @try/@catch block for queryWithCSS, as it can throw an exception if
// the CSS Selector cannot be converted to XPath.
@try {
contents = [doc queryWithCSS:@"div.content"];
[contents enumerateNodesUsingBlock:^(IGXMLNode* content, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop){
NSLog(@"%@", content.xml);
} @catch(NSException * e) {
// handle error
You can change the document using methods in IGXMLNodeManipulation
@protocol IGXMLNodeManipulation <NSObject>
-(instancetype) appendWithNode:(IGXMLNode*)child;
-(instancetype) prependWithNode:(IGXMLNode*)child;
-(instancetype) addChildWithNode:(IGXMLNode*)child;
-(instancetype) addNextSiblingWithNode:(IGXMLNode*)child;
-(instancetype) addPreviousSiblingWithNode:(IGXMLNode*)child;
-(void) empty;
-(void) remove;
All classes in IGHTMLQuery supports JavaScriptCore exports. Additionally there are Ruby wrappers to used with JavaScriptCoreOpalAdditions, which allow you to manipulate DOM with Ruby in Objective-C like this ...
#import "JSContext+IGHTMLQueryRubyAdditions.h"
#import "JSContext+OpalAdditions.h"
// load IGHTMLQuery ruby wrapper classes
[context configureIGHTMLQuery];
// create a lambda that evalulate script on the fly
JSValue* instanceEval = [context evaluateRuby:@"lambda { |doc, script| XMLNode.new(doc).instance_eval(&eval(\"lambda { #{script} }\")) }"];
// a simple script that find the title of first cd have a price less than 9.0
JSValue* node = [instanceEval callWithArguments:@[doc, @"self.xpath('//cd').find {|node| node.xpath('./price').text.to_f < 9.0 }.xpath('./title').text"]];
// convert the result to string
NSString* title = [node toString];
XCTAssertEqualObjects((@"Greatest Hits"), title, @"title should be Greatest Hits");
To use IGHTMLQuery with Ruby support, add following line to your Podfile:
pod "IGHTMLQuery/Ruby"
See Test Cases for more detail.
In previous version, the method [[IGHTMLDocument alloc] initWithHTMLString:]
will create html element without implied HTML tag. (HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED option in libxml). Since 0.7.2, HTML_PARSE_NOIMPLIED will no longer be the default.
If you want to maintain the old behavior, check the [[IGHTMLDocument alloc] initWithHTMLFragmentString:]
MIT License.