
Module tp populate a gitops repo with the resources to provision ibm-ocs

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This module will install OpenShift Data Foundation for OpenShift/ROKS clusters on IBM Cloud. Installation happens inside of a script, within a Job that is executed on the cluster and configured using the GitOps approach.

The job runs within the "quay.io/ibmgaragecloud/cli-tools" container, uses the IBM Cloud CLI to install the OpenShift Data Foundation add-on, because OCS cannot be installed on ROKS clusters using the helm chart.

The Job will:

  1. Log into the IBM Cloud CLI
  2. Update the kubernetes-service plugin so that it always uses the latest version
  3. Install ODF using ibmcloud oc cluster addon enable openshift-data-foundation

Note: Since this module uses the openshift-data-foundation addon, the module supports all OpenShift versions supported by the addon. See the addon changelog for more details.

Command-line tools

  • terraform - v12
  • kubectl

Terraform providers

  • IBM Cloud provider >= 1.5.3
  • Helm provider >= 1.1.1 (provided by Terraform)

Module dependencies

This module makes use of the output from other modules:

Example usage

module "gitops_module" {
  source = "github.com/cloud-native-toolkit/terraform-gitops-ibm-odf"

  gitops_config = module.gitops.gitops_config
  git_credentials = module.gitops.git_credentials
  server_name = module.gitops.server_name
  namespace = module.gitops_namespace.name
  kubeseal_cert = module.gitops.sealed_secrets_cert
  cluster_name = var.cluster_name
  region = var.region
  ibmcloud_api_key = var.ibmcloud_api_key