WebDriver/Selenium DragAndDrop does not appear to work anymore, at best it goes between working and not working depending on release of drivers, browsers and selenium. I do not find that any of the java workarounds actually work.
clickAndHold() moveToElement() release() // solutions don't work
I put together a working Java example after viewing the below mentioned sites. My solution is using rcorreia's javascript
Elemental Selenium Drag N Drop - example app for testing Drag N Drop
rcorreia/drag_and_drop_helper.js - rcorreia's javascript helper code
RomanIsko/elemental-selenium-tips - a csharp implementation
I figured out how to integrate the javascript file by looking at romanisko csharp code.
JSDriver.ExecuteScript(dnd_javascript + "$('#column-a').simulateDragDrop({ dropTarget: '#column-b'});");
From the above I came up with the following Java Solution:
I'm using maven and have stored the rcorreia drag_and_drop_helper.js file in /resources
WebElement weA = driver.findElement(DragNDropPage.COLUMN_A);
WebElement weB = driver.findElement(DragNDropPage.COLUMN_B);
DragAndDropJsHelper ddh = new DragAndDropJsHelper("drag_and_drop_helper.js");
ddh.dragDrop(driver, "#column-a", "#column-b");
log.info("wait for opacity to change 1, indicating move complete");
wait.until(ExpectedConditions.attributeToBe(weA, "opacity", "1"));