
Universal deployment tool

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


deploy deploys project files on a local or remote host, based on a per-project configuration file.


deploy works on a per-project basis. A project is defined as a directory, including all the files and sub-directories it contains. deploy will deploy all files and directories of a project, except the following, which will be ignored:

  • the .gitignore file
  • the .deploy file
  • the README.md file
  • the LICENSE.md file
  • any .DS_Store file
  • the .idea directory
  • the .git directory
  • any files and directories contained in the .gitignore file

Please note that for any directory paths contained in the .gitignore file, for local and remote-rsync deployment a directory can be listed by just giving the directory name, while for remote-s3 deployments, a directory must be listed by using the directory/* syntax.

Unless the delete parameter is set no no or false (see below), deploy will delete files and directories that are present in the deployment path but not in the source directory. Therefore, the deployment path must owned by the project, and cannot be a shared path that is used by other projects as well.


The syntax to use deploy is:

deploy [--config=<config>] [<directory>]

The --config parameter can be used to instruct deploy which of multiple deployment configurations that are defined in the configuration file is to be used. It is optional if only one deployment configuration has been defined there, but it is mandatory if more than one deployment configuration has been defined there. If provided, <config> must be the name of a configuration that is present in the configuration file.

For example, if the configuration file has a configuration section that begins with [develop], the syntax is:

deploy --config=develop [<directory>]

The directory paramater is optional and instructs deploy to switch to the provided directory before starting to deploy.

Deployment Methods

deploy supports deploying to the following targets:

  • local, where rsync will be used;
  • remote, where rsync will be used;
  • remote, where aws s3 sync will be used and optionally a CloudFront distribution can be invalidated after upload.

For remote deployments, deploy will attempt to use ssh or AWS credentials of the user executing it.


Configurations are defined in a .deploy configuration file that must be in a project's root directory.

This configuration file can have multiple sections to define multiple deployment configurations. If multiple sections are present, each section must begin with one line that has the name of the deployment configuration in square brackets. For example:


If the configuration file has only one section, this line containing the name of the deployment configuration can be skipped.

The following rules apply for the format for each section of the configuration file:

  • Each configuration parameter must be in its own line
  • format is key=value
  • line order inside a section is not relevant
  • whitespace doesn't matter

Valid configuration parameters are the following:


The type parameter defines which deployment method to use. Valid values are local, remote-rsync and remote-s3. If no value is provided, local will be used.


The path parameter defines the (local or remote) deployment path. It is mandatory and can be absolute or relative, but must comply with the path requirements of rsync or aws s3 sync. In case of a s3 deployment, it must begin with the s3:// prefix.


The host parameter defines the deployment host. It must be set if the type parameter is set to remote-rsync.


The user parameter defines the deployment user. It must be set if the type parameter is set to remote-rsync.


The cdn parameter is optional and, if set, must contain an AWS CloudFront cdn distribution id. If it is set and if the type parameter is set to remote-s3, deploy will attempt to invalidate the distribution after uploading files.


The source parameter is optional. If set, it must point to a relative subdirectory inside the project path which will then be used as deployment source, instead of the project's root directory.


The delete parameter is optional. If it is provided and set to no or false, deploy will not delete any files or directories that are present in the deployment path but not in the source path. If it is not provided, deploy will delete such files and directories (see above).


The apache-confparameter is optional and can only be used when local deployment is used. The parameter shall denote a apache configuration file name (including its relative path, if necessary). If given, this configuration file will be deployed to /etc/apache2/sites-available and the site will be enabled after deployment by running sudo a2ensite <conf> && sudo systemctl restart apache2.


If deployment to AWS S3 is to be used, the AWS CLI must be present on the system.

For remote deployment, ssh keys (for remote-rsync) or AWS credentials (for remote-s3) must have been configured.