FlipIt is a feature flipper. It provides a simple and flexible way to flip features in a .NET application. Use FlipIt to conditionally turn features OFF
and ON
using custom logic per feature. Change behavior over time without touching the production code where features are implemented.
The essence of FlipIt can be seen in this interface.
public interface IFeatureSwitch
bool IsOn(IFeatureSettingsProvider featureSettingsProvider);
Simple Case
Scenario: Flip a feature ON
and OFF
for everyone all the time.
Create a feature.
public class MyFeatureSwitch : BooleanFeatureSwitch
public MyFeatureSwitch() : base("my_feature_enabled") { }
Use it anywhere in your app to conditionally enable the feature.
public class WhereMyFeatureIsImplemented
private readonly IFeatureFlipper flipper;
public WhereMyFeatureIsImplemented(IFeatureFlipper flipper)
this.flipper = flipper;
public void DoSomething()
flipper.DoIfOn(new MyFeatureSwitch(), () =>
//do the feature
The feature is ON
by default. Let's flip it OFF
by adding a setting. One way to store settings is in your application's config.
<add key="my_feature_enabled" value="false"/>
To flip the feature back ON
, change the value to true
. When you're sure you never want to flip it off again, delete the setting.
More Complex Case
Scenario: Roll out a feature region by region. (Send notifications to delivery locations when an order changes to In Route status.)
Create the feature.
public class SendInRouteNotificationsFeatureSwitch : ListFeatureSwitch<int>
public SendInRouteNotificationsFeatureSwitch(Region region) : base(
settingName: "region_ids_with_in_route_notifications_enabled",
isOnFunc: ids => ids.Contains(region.Id)) { }
Use it.
public class HandleOrderInRouteEvent
private readonly IFeatureFlipper flipper;
public InRouteNotifier(IFeatureFlipper flipper)
this.flipper = flipper;
public void Handle(OrderInRouteEvent evt)
//do stuff
var switch = new SendInRouteNotificationsFeatureSwitch(evt.Order.Destination.Region);
if (flipper.IfOn(switch))
//do it;
//do stuff
Start with regions 12 and 31.
<add key="region_ids_with_in_route_notifications_enabled" value="12|31"/>
To roll out the feature to more regions, add their IDs to the pipe delimited list. When the roll out is complete, just remove the setting.
Other Stuff
Inversion Of Control (IoC)
IoC Lovers
In the preceding examples we satisfy dependencies using constructor injection. For that you probably want to use an IoC container. Configure FlipIt in your container, for example with StructureMap.
IoC Haters
Use the built in static class instead of providing an instance via the constructor. But don't blame us when your code is hard to unit test.
Flipper.DoIfOn(new MyFeatureSwitch(), () =>
//do the feature
The default settings provider is ConfigFeatureSettingsProvider
. You can change it.
FlipItConfig.FeatureSettingsProvider = new SomeCustomFeatureSettingsProvider();
Open/Closed Principle
Code that implements features should be "closed for modification" after flipping has been set up. We want to be able to change how features are applied by changing settings only. Worst case, we should only have to change the feature class. We should never have to change the code where the feature is actually implemented.
Making Features
In the usage examples we create features using the base classes BooleanFeatureSwitch
and ListFeatureSwitch<T>
. There's FeatureSwitch<T>
too. These are nice, but you don't have to use them. It's easy to create features from scratch that do anything you can imagine.
public class CoinToss : IFeatureSwitch
public bool IsOn(IFeatureSettingsProvider featureSettingsProvider)
return new Random().Next(2) == 1; //good enough
What Are Settings?
A setting can be anything. It's whatever bits of information you need to flip a feature using custom logic. Some feature flippers only allow ON
and OFF
settings. That's too limiting for our needs. Some feature flippers are based strictly on users and user groups. You can do that with FlipIt, but it's not baked in.
Where Are Settings?
The preceding examples use the built-in ConfigFeatureSettingsProvider
which uses .NET configuration as the settings store. This is simple and natural in many environments. However, what if you want non-technical staff (or techies without production access) to be able to flip features?
Create your own implementation of IFeatureSettingsProvider
. For example, you might create SqlServerFeatureSettingsProvider
or MongoFeatureSettingsProvider
. From there it's easy to imagine a simple admin UI for feature flipping. Oh yeah, if you create any of these implementations, please share!
Missing Settings
All of the built-in FeatureSwitch classes use settings to flip features. They treat a feature as ON
if a setting is missing (by looking at the Missing property). The reason is simple: features tend to move from OFF
to permanently ON
. We don't want a bunch of old settings hanging around. So when we're done flipping a feature, we can just remove the setting and leave the code alone.